Library "MyTVBOT" TODO: add library description here
buy_message(password, amount, order_name) Make a buy Message for TradingHook. Parameters: password (string): (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file. amount (float): (float) [Optional] amount. If not set, your strategy qty will be sent. order_name (string): (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order". Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
sell_message(password, percent, order_name) Make a sell message for TradingHook. Parameters: password (string): (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file. percent (string): (string) [Required] what percentage of your quantity you want to sell. order_name (string): (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order". Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
entry_message(password, amount, leverage, order_name) Make a Entry Message for TradingHook. Parameters: password (string): (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file. amount (float): (float) [Optional] amount. If not set, your strategy qty will be sent. leverage (int): (int) [Optional] leverage. If not set, your leverage doesn't change. order_name (string): (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order". Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
close_message(password, percent, amount, order_name) Make a close message for TradingHook. Parameters: password (string): (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file. percent (string): (string) [Required/Optional] what percentage of your quantity you want to close. amount (float): (float) [Required/Optional] quantity you want to close. order_name (string): (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order". Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
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