//@originalauthor Makit0 // //script based in: // original John Carter's ideas (SQUEEZE & SQUEEZE PRO) simplertrading.com/ // LazyBear's script (Squeeze Momentum Indicator)
// // USE IT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SQUEEZE PRO ARROWS INDICATOR // // This system is based in the volatility reversion to the mean: volatility contraction leads to volatility expansion and the other way on // The dot signal is a warning of volatility compression, more often than not this leads to a expansion of volatility and a move in the action price usually bigger than the expected move // Be aware of the trend direction, use the momentum histogram to see the slope direction // // There are 3 levels of compression: // Level 1: ORANGE, the lesser compresion level // Level 2: RED, the normal level marked by the original squeeze indicator // Level 3: YELLOW, the max compression level // The more the compression the bigger the after move // // The GREEN dots signal the volatility expansion out of the squeeze ranges