
High Low Yearly

Sorry for the mess above. Not sure how to remove it. It was not what I was looking to post. I added the the clean chart below.

This was requested by "N". It displays the current yearly highs and lows along with the previous years highs and lows. Just a nice way to see the support resistance in all time frames.

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// Written by Robert N.  031015

study("High Low Yearly", overlay=true)

hyl = input(true, title="High Yearly Line")
yhigh = security(tickerid, '12M', high) 
plot(hyl and yhigh ? yhigh :na , title="Yearly_High",style=circles, color=yellow, linewidth=3) 

lyl = input(true, title="Low Yearly Line")
ylow = security(tickerid, '12M', low) 
plot(lyl and ylow ? ylow :na , title="Yearly_Low",style=circles, color=blue, linewidth=3) 

hyl1 = input(true, title="High Yearly Line Previous")
yhigh1 = security(tickerid, '12M', high[1]) 
plot(hyl1 and yhigh1 ? yhigh1 :na , title="Yearly_High",style=circles, color=purple, linewidth=3) 

lyl1 = input(true, title="Low Yearly Line Previous")
ylow1 = security(tickerid, '12M', low[1]) 
plot(lyl1 and ylow1 ? ylow1 :na , title="Yearly_Low",style=circles, color=white, linewidth=3)