All-Time High with Percentage Drops for ETF's and Large Caps

Plots the percentage drop levels from the All-Time High of any ticker. You can use this within a pullback trading system. For example, if you historically look at the average pullback of large cap stocks and ETF's, you can use this indicator to plot the levels it could pullback to for an entry to go long. It can be used as potential targets when trading a ticker short. Another use for this is to backtest the set percentage targets using TradingView's bar replay feature to see how ETF's and large cap stocks have reacted at these levels.

Currently percentage levels are statically set to 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, & 20% levels below the All-Time High.

*Not financial advice but in my opinion the current percentage levels set (see above) are best used for ETF's and Large Cap Stocks.

