[TrustedSignals] Currency Strength Indicator

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Our own branded currency strength meter gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are currently strong, and which ones are weak.
The meter measures the strength of all forex cross pairs and applies calculations on them to determine the overall strength for each individual currency.
It is useful as a quick guide to which currencies you might want to trade, and which might be worth staying away from. For instance, if a certain currency is very strong, and another suddenly turns weaker, you may find a trading opportunity

The indicator has an extra option the user can activate, to show only the 2 indexes correlated to the displayed pair on the chart. For example, if the EURUSD pair is displayed on the chart, the indicator will only show the EUR index and the USD index.

It is recommended to use a lookback length of over 90 for Timeframes higher than 60min, and under 60 for lower intraday timeframes

Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator

