Protervus Trading Toolkit

Hi Traders! Welcome to Protervus Trading Toolkit (PTT), a comprehensive set of tools to help you building, backtesting, and even automating your strategy.

Important: the data and screenshots I publish are solely for presentation and explanation purposes and must not be intended as recommendations or guarantees. Please consider eventual backtesting results seen here as almost-random. My goal is not to provide ready-made strategies, signals, or infallible methods, but rather indicators and tools to help you focus on your own research and build a reliable trading plan based on discipline.

The first step is to link a chained indicator which will send Entry signals and, optionally, Exit signals: to integrate your own triggers with this toolkit, check out my tutorial and use this code as a template.
Then, in the Trading Settings you can set the Trading Mode (Full - Long and Short, Long only, or Short only) as well as Starting Capital, Drawdown Limit, Risk per Trade, Fees, and the date range in which trading will be enabled and backtested.
Go further by tweaking your strategy with built-in Take Profit and Stop Loss conditions, and keep it under control thanks to the Statistics Panel.

Trades will be shown on the chart, including TP\SL levels (according to the ones you enable) and per-trade statistics:
Tip: point the cursor over TP or SL icon to open the tooltip, showing additional details about the trade.

Note: all conditions already account for fees.

Take Profit \ Stop Loss percentage
Take Profit or Stop at Loss when a fixed percentage is reached.
  • Limit \ Hard Stop: the trade will be considered closed when that specific price is reached - otherwise, the candle closing price will be used.


Trailing Take Profit
Trail the price and close the trade in profit when it reverses for the chosen percentage.
  • Engage and Disengage: activate trailing when the price is above the entry price for the chosen percentage, and de-activate it if price goes past the disengage percentage.
  • Safety TP: close the trade at Break-Even if the price sharply reverses from engaged area to BE level. A specific Alert is available in order to create a separate trigger with immediate effect.

Note: using TP Safety with an Engage % of zero might result in many early exits, so it is recommended to add some margin to Engage % to avoid that.

Exit \ Stop on Opposite Signal
Close the trade when another, contrary signal is received (e.g. close a Long position when a signal to go Short is received).

Exit \ Stop after X candles
Close the trade after X candles, as soon as the condition is met (e.g. for Take Profit condition, it will close the trade after X candles as soon as the trade is in profit).
  • Bind to TP \ SL: only validate the condition if the current PnL is above (TakeProfit cond.) or below (Stop Loss cond.) the specified percentage.


ATR Stop
Classic ATR Stop Loss.

Trailing ATR
Chase the price by the defined ratio and close the position when the candle closes past the ATR line.
  • Bind to TP \ SL: only validate the condition if the current PnL is above (TakeProfit cond.) or below (Stop Loss cond.) the specified percentage.


External Signal (sent from your indicator)
Close the position basing on your own triggers, defined in the chained indicator.
- Bind to TP \ SL: only validate the condition if the current PnL is above (TakeProfit cond.) or below (Stop Loss cond.) the specified percentage.

A strategy name can be assigned in the settings and will show it at the top of the Statistics Panel, so you can better identify and label your tests and live instances.
The panel can be customized in terms of colors, text size and height. It can be also "split" in modular panels that will appear at the bottom of the chart.
It is also possible to show \ hide prices and live data labels as well as position and Break-Even levels. In some cases you will need to limit the display of those plots in order to avoid PineScript calculation issues.
If you limited the plots but you are checking very old trades, you can enable the Legacy position tracker to see basic markers for positions (position is active, and profit \ loss marker).
In the case you will be sending webhook alerts to a trading bot , "Position Alert Failover" will come in aid to prevent situations where the initial trade closing alert is either not sent or missed: it will keep sending the position closing signal for X candles.

Thanks to the modular nature of PTT, plugins will eventually be available to provide additional features and extend functionalities even further. Make sure to keep an eye on updates.

To create alerts you must first select the PTT indicator from the "Condition" drop-down menu, then the whole list of available alerts will appear. When creating alerts, please make sure to set "Once Per Bar Close" for the normal conditions, and "Once Per Bar" for safety conditions (Limit and Hard Stop simulation, Trailing TP Safety Trigger).
Besides positions opening and closing alerts, you also have the option to add extra alerts for when a position is open or not open (e.g. Active Long position, No Long Position) - that might come handy when dealing with trading bots and automation tools. Also, as mentioned earlier, you have the chance to create a special alert as failover in order to repeat the closing alert.

  • Set Visual Order > Bring to front for PTT to avoid other indicators or candles covering up labels.
  • If you receive errors like "Referencing too many candles" or "Too many drawings", use the "Limit to last candles" function in the Settings panel to lower the number of candles.
  • If the Statistics Panel or labels are not appearing, and no errors are shown (red circled exclamation mark next to indicator's name), try changing any value in the settings to trigger a new calculation.
  • The Lowest Point in Trades refers to the maximum movement against your position. However, if the price never goes negative against the Entry level, it will be calculated from the Break-Even level.
  • Differently from TradingView's Strategy Tester, PTT calculates DrawDown from the Equity line (the starting balance).
  • Remember that Backtests only show past results, and although very useful to understand if your strategy makes sense, the market can completely change at any moment and ruin your dreams: make sure to avoid over-fitting (using very specific values) in your settings and to prefer more generic values in order to factor broader market situations.
  • After many successful backtests of your newly created strategy, let it run live without actually trading it for some time (paper trading), and see if it remains valid.
  • You can use multiple Conditions as safeguard. For example, main Stop condition can be Trailing ATR and secondary Stop condition can be Stop Loss % with Hard Stop, so you will be protected in case of sudden big price moves.

