
Horcrux Oscilator

Does your oscilator give exit signal on time? Mine does. However worst the idea is, I had to come up with a horcrux plan :P

Concept is as below:

I use 7 standard deviation Bollinger bands to identify which level current price is in. Standard deviations used are from 0.5 (lowest level) to 3.5(highest level) with 0.5 step. This creates overall 16 levels ranging from 0 to 15 with 0 being the highest level and 15 being the lowest.

LookbackPeriod is used to calculate max and min values of these threshold over certain bars. Average of max and min constitutes threshold.
Horcrux value is difference between max state and current state in LookbackPeriod.

Lower the horcrux much closer the current state to the highest state. Hence, horcrux higher than threshold is considered as green region where prices are moving up. Decrease in number of horcruxes means price state moving closer to highest state (which is the lower level). Hence, indicates reduced momentum or reversal.

Use higher LookbackPeriod for increased accuracy. Increase BBLength for long term trades. Adjustment is used to adjust threshold line by up to + or - 20%


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