Library "curve" Regression array Creator. Handy for weights, Auto Normalizes array while holding curves.
curve(_size, _power) Curve Regression Values Tool Parameters: _size: (float) Number of Steps required (float works, future consideration) _power: (float) Strength of value decrease Returns: (float[]) Array of multipliers from 1 downwards to 0.
v2 fixed error.
Added: display() show curve for tweakiing // param _array Values to draw // param _expandLength Grow over time // Returns void
Updated: display(_array, _timedist, _expandLength, _onbar, _src) display show curve Parameters: _array: Values to draw _timedist: Show Seconds _expandLength: Grow over time ( 1/value) _onbar: Show on bar (overlay) _src: Value for overlay Returns: void
bonus feature, matrix ma with range/atr/momentum weight. also an example is visible of how it can be applied __________________ # pass [historical value dist] % weight actual value added to sum __________________
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