Add you arrays to the array browser window and scroll them away left and right. Flexible formatting options (see below). Many thanks to kaigouthro for his beautiful matrixautotable library. (import kaigouthro/matrixautotable/14)
How to use Copy the "ARRAY BROWSER" commented code section below to your script and uncomment.
See DEMO section in the library for usage examples. Basically: add() your arrays and draw() on barstate.islast. If your script adds the arrays every calculation do not forget to clear() before adding. Otherwise, since the arrays are added by reference, no need to add them on every bar, every time you draw() the actual values are retrieved.
Up to 10 arrays of each type (float/string/line/label/box) are supported (total 50 arrays).
Change offset in the input settings to scroll left/right.
For float/int you can always use format string like "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}" or "{0.00}". Additional options are - --- Number formats --- - "number" - "0" - "0.0" - "0.00" - "0.000" - "0.0000" - "0.00000" - "0.000000" - "0.0000000" - --- Date formats --- - "date" - "date : time" - "dd.MM" - "dd" - --- Time formats --- - "time" - "HH:mm" - "mm:ss" - "date time" - "date, time" - "date,time" - "date\time"
For line and box: Empty `format` returns coordinates as "(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)". Otherwise "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2" in `format` string are replaced by values. (e.g. toS(line, "x1, x2") will only return x1 and x2 separated by comma).
For label: Empty `format` returns coordinates and text as "(x, y): text = text". Otherwise "x1", "y1", "txt" in `format` string are replaced by values. (e.g. toS(label, "txt") will only return text of the label)
v2 Added support for bool arrays. Changing text color does not work temporarily.
v3 A minor bug fix. (in deleteRow())
v4 Same amendment as above.
v5 Added support for varip arrays. Previous versions disrupted behaviour of varip arrays.
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