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ChillyWilly looks for the momentum trades.
ChillyWilly combines the 4 different well known momentum indicators to bring the best signals.
ChillyWilly works with any kind of market state, any kind of trading, and any kind of asset.
ChillyWilly has more features than any other momentum indicator in the market: Combining shorter term momentum with longer term momentum, and looking for M's and W's for you.
ChillyWilly is designed for longer time frame traders and investors.
All you have to do is:
1- Use it like you would use RSI (ChillyWilly is ranging between 0-100 --> Closer to 0 means Long ~~ Closer to 100 means short)
2- Look for green or orange lines. (Orange means momentum is BOTH in a good location to long and showing a W ; Green means EITHER momentum is in a good location to long or showing a W)
3- Look for red or maroon lines. (Red means momentum is BOTH in a good location to short and showing a M ; Green means EITHER momentum is in a good location to short or showing a M)
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