It is used to find the Index Top or Bottom which will define the buying and selling zone.
It should be checked on a weekly chart.
Example : As Nifty Trades around 248 days in a year.
So, 248/2 = 124
Now Use 124 DSMA on weekly chart.
Suppose Nifty 124 DSMA is @16000 and Current Market Price is 16500, then
SRT = 16500/16000 = 1.031
Top SRT of Nifty = 1.55
Bottom SRT of Nifty = 0.55
One should start investing when SRT value is between 0.55 to 0.75
And exit when SRT value is between 1.30 to 1.55
0.55 to 0.75 --> ENTER (Green Zone)
0.75 to 1.30 --> HOLD (Blue Zone)
1.30 to 1.55 --> EXIT (Red Zone)
Credit for DSMA Script : //Deviation Scaled Moving Average by John Ehlers
Update : The concept of SRT is inspired by nkstocktalk , you can find the SRT details here as well :"/"NKStockTalk1"/"status"/"1378537449010327553