Library "TimeFormattingLibrary" Time formatting functions: formating functions to make timestrings more human readable friendly (for both fixed time and time-elapsed). Also functions for last and first instance in month of day of week input. Also a function for identifying bank holiday Mondays.
timeFormatFxn(showDayOfWeek, showDayOfMonth, showMonth, showYear, showHrMin, _time, _timezone) converts time into readable format Parameters: showDayOfWeek (bool): if you want to show day of week (i.e. Mon, Tues etc) showDayOfMonth (bool): if you want to show day number of month with superscript ordinals (i.e. 1ˢᵗ, 2ⁿᵈ, etc) showMonth (bool): if you want to show the month (i.e. Jan, Feb, etc) showYear (bool): if you want to show the year (i.e. 2023) showHrMin (bool): if you want to show time in 24hr clock format _time (int): is the unix time (i.e. time or time_close) _timezone (string): the user timezone input as string (e.g. "America/New_York", "UTC-5", "GMT+0530") Returns: time date string
timeElapsedFxn(timespan) converts timespan into readable format Parameters: timespan (int): is the length of time in milliseconds to be converted into a human readable string Returns: timespan string (whether it be a for showing 'time-elapsed' or for showing a 'countdown timer')
isFirstXdayofmonth(_dayofweek) gives bool result for when first occurence in month of the day-of-week input Parameters: _dayofweek (int): (can be integer 1-7 or can be dayofweek variable; i.e. dayofweek.wednesday)
isLastXdayofmonth(_dayofweek) gives bool result for when last occurence in month of the day-of-week input Parameters: _dayofweek (int): (can be integer 1-7 or can be dayofweek variable; i.e. dayofweek.wednesday)
wasBankHolidayMonday() gives bool result for if yesterday was a bank holiday monday. Only for use with with function, see example code below
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