ICT Balanced Price Range - Double FVG with Volume

This is an FVG indicator combined with volume to identify moments when a sudden volume spike creates a price gap.

Additionally, I've added the ICT Balanced Price Range, which occurs when two opposing FVGs form a connected gap. This gap has a high probability of reversal and is one of the key signs of liquidity sweeps.

Unlike other FVG indicators that filter FVGs based on ATR, average price, or range, I believe such methods lead to overfitting and may not work across multiple pairs with a single setting. Instead, I only filter FVGs when there are consecutive overlapping FVGs.

The indicator includes full functionality:

Candle color customization
FVG line color customization
FVG fill color customization
BPR color customization
Adjustable average volume and volume threshold
Highlighting candles with abnormal volume
Enjoy and make sure to backtest thoroughly before using!

