

Library "TPCLines_Public"
Helpers for lines

lineVA(start, lines, labels, lineColor, labelBgColor, labelTextColor, highPrice, lowPrice, extend, style, width, labelText, labelSize, labelStyle, labelTextAlign, bi) Draws a vertical line and optional label on the chart.
    start: The start bar index or time.
    lines: Line array to which the created line will be pushed.
    labels: Label array to which the created label will be pushed.
    lineColor: The color for the line and label.
    labelBgColor: The background color for the label.
    labelTextColor: The text color for the label.
    highPrice: The upper price for the line.
    lowPrice: The lower price for the line.
    extend: Options for toggline line extend (extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, or extend.none). If none is provided, provides a best guess.
    style: The line's style. Defaults to line.style_dotted.
    width: The line's width. Defaults to 1.
    labelText: Optional text to display next to the line.
    labelSize: The label's size. Defaults to size.tiny.
    labelStyle: The label's style. Defaults to label.style_label_left.
    labelTextAlign: The label's text alignment. Defaults to text.align_center.
    bi: Set true to use bar indices, set false to use time. Defaults to true (use bar indices).
  Returns: Nothing. Draws a line and optional label on the chart.

lineHA(price, lines, labels, lineColor, labelBgColor, extend, labelTextColor, labelText, end, start, bi, showPrice, pips, style, width, labelAlign, labelSize, labelStyle, labelTextAlign) Draws a horizontal line and optional label on the chart.
    price: The price at which to draw the lie.
    lines: Line array to which the created line will be pushed.
    labels: Label array to which the created label will be pushed.
    lineColor: The color for the line and label.
    labelBgColor: The background color for the label.
    extend: Options for toggline line extend (extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, or extend.none). Defaults to extend.none.
    labelTextColor: The text color for the label.
    labelText: Optional text to display next to the line.
    end: The time or bar index to end the line at.
    start: The time or bar index to start the line at.
    bi: Set true to use bar indices, set false to use time. Defaults to true (use bar indices).
    showPrice: Option to show the price on the label.
    pips: If a value is provided, will be displayed on the label.
    style: The line's style. Defaults to line.style_solid.
    width: The line's width. Defaults to 1.
    labelAlign: Which side of the line to align the label on. Can be r for right, l for left, c for center, or t for the current time.
    labelSize: The label's size. Defaults to size.tiny.
    labelStyle: The label's style. Defaults to label.style_none.
    labelTextAlign: The label's text alignment. Defaults to text.align_center.
  Returns: Nothing. Draws a line and optional label on the chart.


Added an option to use a different text color for horizontal lines.

