This library provides a JavaScript-style debug console to Pine Coders. It supports the most commonly used utilities from the WHATWG Console Standard including the following:
In addition to the WHATWG standard, this library also supports the following methods:
• • console.hide
• Follows the WHATWG Console Standard, which is widely adopted by all major JavaScript runtimes including browsers and Node.js. • Provides an out-of-box UI with pre-configured theming, ensuring a clean and professional-looking console. • Allows for easy UI customizations to fit your personal preferences. • Has extremely simple import and initialization, making it easy to integrate with your existing codebase.
Improve performance by not using `var` for constants.
It seems that PineScript has released a new version that's not backward compatible and led to the following error in the script: "Invalid object name: log. Namespaces of built-ins cannot be used." As a result, I had to modify the variable names in the script to bypass the issue.
Always set the timezone as `syminfo.timezone` when calling `str.format_time`. It seems that in a new version of PineScript compiler the timezone parameter is no longer optional.
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