Library "utils" Provides a set of utility functions for use in strategies or indicators.
colorGreen(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorRed(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorTeal(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorBlue(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorOrange(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorPurple(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorPink(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorYellow(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorWhite(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
colorBlack(opacity) Parameters: opacity (int)
trendChangingUp(emaShort, emaLong) Signals when the trend is starting to change in a positive direction. Parameters: emaShort (float) emaLong (float) Returns: bool
trendChangingDown(emaShort, emaLong) Signals when the trend is starting to change in a negative direction. Parameters: emaShort (float) emaLong (float) Returns: bool
percentChange(start, end) Returns the percent change between a start number and end number. A positive change returns a positive value and vice versa. Parameters: start (float) end (float) Returns: float
percentOf(percent, n) Returns the number that's the percentage of the provided value. Parameters: percent (float): Use 0.2 for 20 percent, 0.35 for 35 percent, etc. n (float): The number to calculate the percentage of. Returns: float
targetPriceByPercent(percent, n) Parameters: percent (float) n (float)
hasNegativeSlope(start, end) Parameters: start (float) end (float)
timeinrange(resolution, session, timezone) Returns true when the current time is within a given session window. Note, the time is calculated in the "America/New_York" timezone. Parameters: resolution (simple string): The time interval to use to start/end the background color. Use "1" for the coloring the background up to the minute. session (simple string): The session string to use to identify the time window. Example: "0930-1600:23456" means normal market hours on weekdays. timezone (simple string) Returns: series bool
barsSinceLastEntry() Returns the number of bars since the last entry order. Returns: series int
barsSinceLastExit() Returns the number of bars since the last exit order. Returns: series int
calcSlope(ln, lookback) Calculates the slope of the provided line based on its x,y coordinates in the previous bar to the current bar. Parameters: ln (float) lookback (int) Returns: series float
openPL() Returns slope of the line given the start and end x,y coordinates. Returns: series float
hasConsecutiveNegativeCandles(lookbackInput) Returns true if the number of consecutive red candles matches the provided count. Parameters: lookbackInput (int): The amount of bars to look back to check for consecutive negative bars. Default = 1. Returns: series bool
stdevPercent(stdev, price) Returns the standard deviation as a percentage of price. Parameters: stdev (float): The standard deviation value price (float): The current price of the target ticker. Returns: series float
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