PivotFI provides support and resistance lines based on Fibonacci pivots lengths in any timeframe of your choosing.
Pivots included: 5,8,13,21,34,55
Timeframes: Any
SignalFI was created to help traders and investors to effectively analyze the market based on the Golden Mean Ratio (Fibonacci numbers), plan a trade and ultimately execute it. To help inform and educate market decisions we developed a set of Trading Indicators which are available on TradingView , the most advanced and yet easy to use charting platform available on the web.
SignalFI indicators are just that, indicators. Our indicators are generally configured to use completely historical data (negating repaint), and we advise all alerts created with SignalFI indicators to be fired upon "close" of the current candle. Our indicators can provide valuable context and visualization support when performing market analysis and executing buy and sell decisions. However. we are not financial experts, and all information presented on this site or our other media outlets are for educational purposes only.
For subscription information, visit signalfi.net and follow us on twitter: @signalfi_
SignalFi is creating cutting edge TradingView scripts to help identify rogue market Alpha. Check out signalfi.net for subscription information and @signalfi_ on Twitter for updates.
SignalFi is creating cutting edge TradingView scripts to help identify rogue market Alpha. Check out signalfi.net for subscription information and @signalfi_ on Twitter for updates.