
Aps Tec4

iper high low levels

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//Created By Aex1403 on 13/06/2016
///aps3 edited

study(title="Aps Tec4", shorttitle="APS4", precision=0)
src = close
len = input(14, minval=1, title="Length")
upLine = input(85, minval=50, maxval=90, title="Upper Line Value?")
lowLine = input(15, minval=10, maxval=50, title="Lower Line Value?")
sml = input(true, title="Show Mid Line?")
sbh = input(true, title="Show Back Ground Highlights When RSI is Above/Below High/Low Lines?")
sch = input(true, title="Show Back Ground Highlights When RSI Cross?")
sl = input(true, title="Show 'B' and 'S' Letters When RSI Crosses High/Low Line?")
useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?")
resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? Uncheck Box Above", type=resolution, defval="60")
ssRSI = input(false, title="Show 2nd RSI?")
resCustom2 = input(title="Use 2nd RSI? Check Box Above", type=resolution, defval="D")
useCurrentRes2 = input(false, title="Use 2nd RSI Plot On Samet Timeframe?")
len2 = input(14, minval=1, title="2nd RSI Length")

res = useCurrentRes ? period : resCustom
res2 = useCurrentRes2 ? period : resCustom2

up = rma(max(change(src), 0), len)
down = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
outRSI = security(tickerid, res, rsi)

up2 = rma(max(change(src), 0), len2)
down2 = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len2)
rsi2 = down2 == 0 ? 100 : up2 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up2 / down2))
outRSI2 = security(tickerid, res2, rsi2)

aboveLine = outRSI > upLine ? 1 : 0
belowLine = outRSI < lowLine ? 1 : 0
crossUp = outRSI[1] <  lowLine and outRSI > lowLine ? 1 : 0
crossDn = outRSI[1] >  upLine and outRSI < upLine ? 1 : 0

bgcolor(sbh and aboveLine ? red : na, transp=70)
bgcolor(sbh and belowLine ? green : na, transp=70)
bgcolor(sch and crossUp ? lime : na, transp=40)
bgcolor(sch and crossDn ? red : na, transp=40)

plot(outRSI, title="RSI", style=line, linewidth=3, color=gray)
plot(ssRSI and outRSI2 ? outRSI2 : na, title="2nd RSI - Different Time Frame?", style=linebr, linewidth=4, color=orange)
p1 = plot(upLine, title= "Upper Line", style=solid, linewidth=3, color=red)
p2 = plot(lowLine, title= "Lower Line", style=solid, linewidth=3, color=blue)

fill(p1, p2, color=silver, transp=70)