This is my first public (and I hope not the last) library providing different color palettes used for data visualization. Each palette can contain either 3 to 9 colors or 3 to 11 colors.
So there you go. Happy New Year!
I want your new year to be as colorful, vibrant and rich as these color palettes.
Library "ColorPalettes" A library of various color palettes for data visualization
Reds(n) A function to generate the sequential `Reds` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Reds` palette.
Blues(n) A function to generate the sequential `Blues` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Blues` palette.
Greens(n) A function to generate the sequential `Greens` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Greens` palette.
Purples(n) A function to generate the sequential `Purples` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Purples` palette.
Oranges(n) A function to generate the sequential `Oranges` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Oranges` palette.
Greys(n) A function to generate the sequential `Greys` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Greys` palette.
YlGn(n) A function to generate the sequential `YlGn` (Yellow/Green) palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `YlGn` palette.
YlGnBu(n) A function to generate the sequential `YlGnBu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `YlGnBu` palette.
GnBu(n) A function to generate the sequential `GnBu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `GnBu` palette.
BuGn(n) A function to generate the sequential `BuGn` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `BuGn` palette.
PuBuGn(n) A function to generate the sequential `PuBuGn` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `PuBuGn` palette.
PuBu(n) A function to generate the sequential `PuBu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `PuBu` palette.
BuPu(n) A function to generate the sequential `BuPu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `BuPu` palette.
RdPu(n) A function to generate the sequential `RdPu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `RdPu` palette.
PuRd(n) A function to generate the sequential `PuRd` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `PuRd` palette.
OrRd(n) A function to generate the sequential `OrRd` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `OrRd` palette.
YlOrRd(n) A function to generate the sequential `YlOrRd` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `YlOrRd` palette.
YlOrBr(n) A function to generate the sequential `YlOrBr` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `YlOrBr` palette.
Inferno(n) A function to generate the sequential `Inferno` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Inferno` palette.
Magma(n) A function to generate the sequential `Magma` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Magma` palette.
Plasma(n) A function to generate the sequential `Plasma` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Plasma` palette.
Viridis(n) A function to generate the sequential `Viridis` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Viridis` palette.
Cividis(n) A function to generate the sequential `Cividis` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Cividis` palette.
Spectral(n) A function to generate the diverging `Spectral` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Spectral` palette.
Turbo(n) A function to generate the diverging `Turbo` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `Turbo` palette.
BrBG(n) A function to generate the diverging `BrBG` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `BrBG` palette.
PiYG(n) A function to generate the diverging `PiYG` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `PiYG` palette.
PRGn(n) A function to generate the diverging `PRGn` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `PRGn` palette.
PuOr(n) A function to generate the diverging `PuOr` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `PuOr` palette.
RdBu(n) A function to generate the diverging `RdBu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `RdBu` palette.
RdGy(n) A function to generate the diverging `RdGy` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `RdGy` palette.
RdYlBu(n) A function to generate the diverging `RdYlBu` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `RdYlBu` palette.
RdYlGn(n) A function to generate the diverging `RdYlGn` palette of the specified size. Parameters: n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9. Returns: An array of colors from the `RdYlGn` palette.
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