Library "lib_set" This is a convenience lib that bundles different setter functions allowing to update all coordinates and of line/box in one call, and coordinates and text for label.
method set_xy_text(this, x, y, txt, tooltip) Updates a label object with new data (equals redrawing it) Namespace types: series label Parameters: this (label) x (int): reassigns the x coordinate, optional param, no effect if x = na (same as draw(extend_only = true) for Line objects). Avoiding to reassign x can prevent errors for invalid params passed to set_x*** y (float): reassigns the y coordinate txt (string): reassigns the label text tooltip (string): reassigns the label tooltip
method set_xy1_xy2(this, x1, y1, x2, y2) Updates a line object with new data (equals redrawing it) Namespace types: series line Parameters: this (line) x1 (int): reassigns the x1 coordinate, optional param, no effect if x1 = na (same as draw(extend_only = true) for Line objects). Avoiding to reassign x1 can prevent errors for invalid params passed to set_x*** y1 (float): reassigns the y1 coordinate x2 (int): reassigns the x2 coordinate y2 (float): reassigns the y2 coordinate
method set_left_top_right_bottom(this, left, top, right, bottom) Updates a box object with new data (equals redrawing it) Namespace types: series box Parameters: this (box) left (int): reassigns the left coordinate, optional param, no effect if left = na (same as draw(extend_only = true) for Box objects). Avoiding to reassign 'left' can prevent errors for invalid params passed to set_x*** top (float): reassigns the top coordinate right (int): reassigns the right coordinate bottom (float): reassigns the bottom coordinate
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