method to_string(this) Translate a Markov Chain object to a string format. Namespace types: MC Parameters: this (MC): `MC` . Markov Chain object. Returns: string
method to_table(this, position, text_color, text_size) Namespace types: MC Parameters: this (MC) position (string) text_color (color) text_size (string)
method create_transition_matrix(this) Namespace types: MC Parameters: this (MC)
method generate_transition_matrix(this) Namespace types: MC Parameters: this (MC)
new_chain(states, name) Parameters: states (state[]) name (string)
from_data(data, name) Parameters: data (string[]) name (string)
method probability_at_step(this, target_step) Namespace types: MC Parameters: this (MC) target_step (int)
method state_at_step(this, start_state, target_state, target_step) Namespace types: MC Parameters: this (MC) start_state (int) target_state (int) target_step (int)
Node Target node. Fields: index (series int): . Key index of the node. probability (series float): . Probability rate of activation.
state State reference. Fields: name (series string): . Name of the state. index (series int): . Key index of the state. target_nodes (Node[]): . List of index references and probabilities to target states.
MC Markov Chain reference object. Fields: name (series string): . Name of the chain. states (state[]): . List of state nodes and its name, index, targets and transition probabilities. size (series int): . Number of unique states transitions (matrix<float>): . Transition matrix
HMC Hidden Markov Chain reference object. Fields: name (series string): . Name of thehidden chain. states_hidden (state[]): . List of state nodes and its name, index, targets and transition probabilities. states_obs (state[]): . List of state nodes and its name, index, targets and transition probabilities. transitions (matrix<float>): . Transition matrix emissions (matrix<float>): . Emission matrix initial_distribution (float[])
updated imported libraries to its most recent version.
v3 it now uses the builtin matrix.pow() function.
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