
Crypto USD Volume

Often times I need to check the volume in cryptocurrency exchanges and I find myself checking which type of volume I am looking at, I need to manually make sense what the data is and converting it into USD volume which I end up going to CoinMarketCap website to verify whether my calculation is right.

Today I thought it was about time I created an automatic way to find the volume in USD Dollars. This is what this script does.
  • 1 - It removes the base currency from the symbol (e.g., "BTCUSD", it would remove "BTC", leaving us with the "USD" part.). This is important because it helps us identify the currency the pair uses.
  • 2 - It has different pair's variables, each is given a specific currency that the final volume is calculated from. (BTC, ETH, BNB and USD are the default currencies, for other ones, it must be added manually).

This works with all crypto symbols that include BTC, ETH, BNB and USD as currencies. If you modify it, please make sure to compare data with the exchange's one.

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