Library "time_library" This library provides utilities for working with time intervals in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. It includes functions to handle conditions based on time rather than bars.
ms(TIME) ms - Converts a time period in string format to milliseconds. Parameters: TIME (string): (series[string]) - The time period ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"). Returns: (int) - The corresponding time period in milliseconds.
true_in(timestamp, period, multiplier) true_in - Checks if the current time has reached a specific time after the given timestamp. Parameters: timestamp (int): (series[int]) - The starting timestamp. period (string): (series[string]|series[int]) - The period in string format ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"), or as an integer in milliseconds. multiplier (float): (series[float]) - Multiplier to extend the period. Returns: (bool) - True if current time is equal or past the end date calculated from timestamp and period.
true_in(timestamp, period, multiplier) true_in - Checks if the current time has reached a specific time after the given timestamp. Parameters: timestamp (int): (series[int]) - The starting timestamp. period (int): (series[string]|series[int]) - The period in string format ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"), or as an integer in milliseconds. multiplier (float): (series[float]) - Multiplier to extend the period. Returns: (bool) - True if current time is equal or past the end date calculated from timestamp and period.
true_after(trigger, period, multiplier) true_after - Returns true after a specified period multiplied by a multiplier has passed since a trigger was last true. Parameters: trigger (bool): (series[bool]) - The condition that triggers the timer. period (string): (series[string]|series[int]) - The period in string format ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"), or as an integer in milliseconds. multiplier (float): (series[float]) - Multiplier to extend the period. Returns: (bool) - True if the specified time has passed since the last trigger.
true_after(trigger, ms, multiplier) true_after - Returns true after a specified period multiplied by a multiplier has passed since a trigger was last true. Parameters: trigger (bool): (series[bool]) - The condition that triggers the timer. ms (int) multiplier (float): (series[float]) - Multiplier to extend the period. Returns: (bool) - True if the specified time has passed since the last trigger.
MS MS - Holds common time intervals in milliseconds. Fields: ms (series int): (int) - Milliseconds. s (series int): (int) - Seconds converted to milliseconds. m (series int): (int) - Minutes converted to milliseconds. h (series int): (int) - Hours converted to milliseconds. d (series int): (int) - Days converted to milliseconds. w (series int): (int) - Weeks converted to milliseconds.
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