
Open Interest Market Facilitation Index

36 485
Original script from ChartChampions :

Market Facilitation Index - MFI

Let's start.

This script was created by using Open Interest instead of Volume in the Market Facilitation Index.
Thus, it can make a difference in the Future and CFD Markets.
If your financial instrument is not from these markets, that is, if Open Interest is not used, you can choose Volume.
You can set "FUTURES" and "OTHERS" from the menu.

If you use the Open Interest (FUTURES) option in the menu on 1W bars and defined Future markets, it will not repaint.
This is the best use for Open Interests, as data is extracted from Quandl and CFTC COT reports are published once a week.

Color Change Rules :

In my version :

Green Bars = Green
Fade Bars = Orange
Fake Bars = Blue
Squat Bars = Red

To show the difference in the presentation, both the Futures option using Open Interest and the Others option using Volume were published to compare.
You can observe the difference.

Best regards.

  • TV Pinescript v6 update

  • With LibraryCOT integration, the data access problem has been solved.

