Easy Loot Golden Cross

Golden/Death Cross Moving Average Indicator

30, 100 & 200 period Simple Moving Average (SMA).

30 = Yellow
100 = Green
200 = Black

Black crosses mark the 'golden crosses' as well as the 'death crosses'. These black crosses appear when the 30 crosses the 100 & when the 100 crosses the 200. These black crosses don't tell you when to buy/sell, but simply indicate interest in the market.

This code is open-source so feel free to add this indicator to your chart and play around with the different moving average timeframes & color schemes.

Golden Cross
The golden cross occurs when a short-term moving average crosses over a major long-term moving average to the upside and is interpreted by analysts and traders as signaling a definitive upward turn in a market. Basically, the short-term average trends up faster than the long-term average, until they cross.

There are three stages to a golden cross:
  • A downtrend that eventually ends as selling is depleted
  • A second stage where the shorter moving average crosses up through the longer moving average
  • Finally, the continuing uptrend, hopefully leading to higher prices

Death Cross
Conversely, a similar downside moving average crossover constitutes the death cross and is understood to signal a decisive downturn in a market. The death cross occurs when the short term average trends down and crosses the long-term average, basically going in the opposite direction of the golden cross.

The death cross preceded the economic downturns in 1929, 1938, 1974, and 2008.

