Today is the first day of 2022 and happy new year every tradingviewers! May health and wealth go along with you all the time. I use this chance to publish my 1st PINE v5 lib : pandas_ta This is not a piece of cake like thing, which cost me a lot of time and efforts to build this lib. Beyond 300 versions of this script was iterated in draft.
Library "pandas_ta" PINE v5 Counterpart of Pandas TA - A Technical Analysis Library in Python 3 at The Original Pandas Technical Analysis (Pandas TA) is an easy to use library that leverages the Pandas package with more than 130 Indicators and Utility functions and more than 60 TA Lib Candlestick Patterns. I realized most of indicators except Candlestick Patterns because tradingview built-in Candlestick Patterns are even more powerful!
I use this to verify pandas_ta python version indicators for myself, but I realize that maybe many may need similar lib for pine v5 as well.
Function Brief Descriptions (Pls find details in script comments)
I also incorporated func descriptions and func test script in commented mode, you can test the functino with the embedded test script and modify them as you wish.
This is a Level 3 free and open source indicator library.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
This is not the end of pandas_ta lib publication, but it is start point with pine v5 lib function and I will add more and more funcs into this lib for my own indicators.
v4 I added trend oscillator used for L3 whale sniper. However , it suffers from the same error with squeeze func, so I commented it and submit a ticket to tradingview for help.
Updated: xsa()
v5 Correct errors on trend oscillator(tosc) and squeeze (sqz) functions Added: sqz() tosc()
v6 Added: everget ce and noldo ce ce() nce()
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