This library comprises valuable functions for implementing strategies on TradingView, articulated in a professional writing style.
The initial version features a monthly Profit & Loss table with percentage variations, utilizing a modified version of the script by @QuantNomad.
Library "strategy_utilities"
monthly_table(results_prec, results_dark) monthly_table prints the Monthly Returns table, modified from QuantNomad. Please put calc_on_every_tick = true to plot it. Parameters: results_prec (int): for the precision for decimals results_dark (bool): true or false to print the table in dark mode Returns: nothing (void), but prints the monthly equity table
Sample Usage
import TheSocialCryptoClub/strategy_utilities/1 as su results_prec = input(2, title = "Precision", group="Results Table") results_dark = input.bool(defval=true, title="Dark Mode", group="Results Table") su.monthly_table(results_prec, results_dark)
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