
UCS_3rd Friday

Simple script to show you a way to find 3rd Fridays (Monthly Options Expiry)
If that friday is a holiday, then it doesn't generate a signal. Futures & Forex trader need not to worry. I will fix it for the stock traders as well. Time is all I need.

as usual Good Luck for those who believe in it. Practice for those who believe in hard work. Think for those who believe in smart work. ;)

Uday C Santhakumar

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// Created by UCSgears
// Simple script to show you a way to find 3rd Fridays (Weekly Options Expiry)
// If that friday is a holiday, then it doesn't generate a signal. Futures & Forex trader need not to worry. 
// I will fix it for the stock traders as well

study("UCS_3rd Friday", overlay = true)

x = dayofmonth < 22 and dayofmonth > 14
y = dayofweek == 6 ? 1 : 0
z = x and y ? 1 : 0

plotshape(z, style = shape.xcross, location = location.top, title="Find me 3rd Friday")