Charts are an essential part of working with data, as they are a way to condense large amounts of data into an easy to understand format. Visualizations of data can bring out insights to someone looking at the data for the first time, as well as convey findings to others who won’t see the raw data. There are countless chart types out there, each with different use cases. Often, the most difficult part of creating a data visualization is figuring out which chart type is best for the task at hand. What are the types of metrics, features, or other variables that you plan on plotting? Although it depended on some multiple factors!
But my choices of the chart type for this Crypto datas was Pie chart or Donut char for crypto dominances ,and Colum (Bar) chart for Total MarketCaps . The audiences that I plan on presenting this for them could be all tradingviewrs , especially crypto lovers ,or those who just aim to have an initial exploration for themselves ,like me! so this indicator mostly could be an educational indicator script for pine coders !
We can use the " Crypto Map Dashboard " indicator to Get an quick overview of the crypto market and monitor where the smart money Flow changing by comparing the dominances and totals Caps .
In general, it consists of 4 parts:
✅1 =>> Table1 : If you like to see and compare and monitor the changes of dominances of (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Usdt , Usdc , etc.) and their market cap in different times you can see the table on The upper-right corner.
✅2 =>> Table2: Also, in the table lower-right corner, you can see the changes of the totals(Total, Total2 , Total3 and TotalDefi) in the same time periods.
✅3 =>> pie chart or donut chart: By viewing this , you understand better about Table1 Datas, that it depicts exactly how Dominance is distributed and specialized.
✅4 =>> column chart (bar chart) : And in the last you can clearly compare the total marketcaps and see how far they are from their ATHs. You also can even notice the entry and exit of liquidity from the crypto market!
I must also mention that I am definitely still a beginner compared to more experienced pine coders, and there may be some bugs in my codes and calculations, but I am an open person and I welcome your comments ,Also Let me know if you have any questions.
Lots of Love to all tradingviewers and pineCoder ,Cheers!💚❤️💙
. >> I also added 3M and 6M resolution, to monitor changes in these timeframes!
To clarify I changed Numbers to Billion (B) format !
2 New Options has recently added to this Indicator