
Wave Generator (WG)

Pine Script Wave Generator Utility

The Pine Script Wave Generator Utility is a versatile tool that creates different wave patterns. The script provides the user with four different wave styles to choose from (Sine, Triangle, Saw, Square) with customizable parameters for the wave height, duration, number of harmonics, and phase shift.

Technical Details:
The script utilizes the mathematical functions sin, pi, and array.avg to generate wave patterns. The wave height and duration are the main inputs, and the number of harmonics and phase shift are additional inputs that add fine-tuning to the wave pattern.
The wave styles are created using different combinations of sine waves and are normalized so that the resulting wave always lies within a range of -1 to 1.

The user can adjust the wave parameters using the input options in the script. The user can choose the wave style from the “Wave Select” option and set the wave height, wave duration, number of harmonics and phase shift by adjusting the corresponding input options.

The Pine Script Wave Generator Utility is an efficient and effective tool for generating wave patterns. It can be used for a variety of purposes such as creating wave patterns for technical analysis, simulation, and testing purposes. The user can easily adjust the wave parameters to create custom wave patterns, making it a flexible and valuable tool.
added phase shift for the shapes and I added ramp saw
fixed the saw wave length

