
Ersoy intersection 2


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study(shorttitle = "Ersoy İntersection 2", title="Ersoy İntersection 2", overlay=true)
c=hl2[1]>hlc3 ? red: hlc3>ohlc4[3] ?lime:hl2[4]<hlc3 ?blue : hl2>hlc3[4] ? black :aqua
plot(sma(ohlc4,21),color=c , style=line, linewidth=2)
plot(ohlc4, color= c, style= line ) 
plot(hlc3,color=c , style= line)
plot(hl2, color= c , style= line)
high_h = high[1]
low_h = low[1]
open_h = open[1]
close_h = close[1]

shadow_h = high_h - low_h
body_h = abs(open_h - close_h)
bodyMid_h = 0.5 * (open_h + close_h) - low_h

shadow = high - low
body = abs(open - close)
bodyMid = 0.5 * (open + close) - low
bodyRed = open > close and body > (0.144 * shadow)
bodyGreen = close > open and body > (0.144* shadow)

bodyTop =  bodyMid_h > (0.618 * shadow_h)
bodyBottom =  bodyMid_h < (0.236 * shadow_h)
hammerShape = body_h < (0.5 * shadow_h)

hangingMan = bodyRed and hammerShape and bodyTop ? high_h : na
hammer = bodyGreen and hammerShape and bodyTop ? high_h : na

shootingStar = bodyRed and hammerShape and bodyBottom ? low_h : na
invertedHammer = bodyGreen and hammerShape and bodyBottom ? low_h : na
plotshape(hammer, style=shape.triangleup, 
          location=location.belowbar, color=green,offset = -1)
plotshape( shootingStar,style=shape.triangledown,
          location=location.abovebar, color=red,offset = -1)
plotshape(invertedHammer, style=shape.triangleup,
          location=location.belowbar, color=green,offset = -1)
plotshape( hangingMan,style=shape.triangledown,
          location=location.abovebar, color=red,offset = -1)