
[RS]Multiple Time Frame Range Swing V0

(republishing, previous had alot of lines crowding the chart)
MTF Range Swing.

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study(title='[RS]Multiple Time Frame Range Swing V0', shorttitle='[RS]MTF.RS.V0', overlay=true)
window = input(2)
tf = input('D')
h = security(tickerid, tf, valuewhen(high>=highest(window), high, 0))
l = security(tickerid, tf, valuewhen(low<=lowest(window), low, 0))
hl = security(tickerid, tf, valuewhen(l>=highest(l, window), l, 0))//highest(lowest(window), window))
lh = security(tickerid, tf, valuewhen(h<=lowest(h, window), h, 0))//lowest(highest(window), window))

ph = plot(title='High Extreme', series=h, style=line, color=green, linewidth=1)
pl = plot(title='Low Extreme', series=l, style=line, color=maroon, linewidth=1)
plh = plot(title='Lower High Extreme', series=lh, style=line, color=green, linewidth=1)
phl = plot(title='Higher Low Extreme', series=hl, style=line, color=maroon, linewidth=1)

fill(ph, plh, color=gray, transp=70)
fill(pl, phl, color=gray, transp=70)

median = avg(h, l)
osc = close > median ? avg(median, h) : avg(median, l)

po = plot(title='Directional Oscillator', series=osc, style=circles, color=osc > median ? lime : red, linewidth=2)
pm = plot(title='Median', series=median, style=circles, color=osc > median ? olive : orange, linewidth=2)

fill(po, pm, color=blue, transp=70)

lr_m = na(lr_m[1]) ? median : close > lr_m[1] ? lr_m[1]+abs(median-lr_m[1])*0.10 : lr_m[1]-abs(median-lr_m[1])*0.10
plot(title='Linear Regression Average Line:', series=lr_m, color=black)