
Astro: Planetary Channel Lines

Planetary Channel Lines is an approach to financial astrology that involves using the positions of the planets to predict trends and patterns in the stock market. The idea behind planetary lines is that the positions of the planets in the sky at the time of a market event can significantly influence that event.

The planetary lines approach involves mapping the planets' positions onto a stock market graph, with each planet's position representing a specific line. These lines are thought to indicate areas of support and resistance, as well as potential turning points in the market.

This indicator includes geocentric/heliocentric planetary lines on the chart for up to two planets, price scaling & vertical offset, retrograde highlighting, and aspect recognition with customizable precision.
Update: minor GUI/settings changes
Update: Mirror/Inversion function for the lines
Update: Fixed timestamp error that prevented the indicator from loading. Thank you to the traders who reported issues (phunkalunk gets my credit for being the first) and the TradingView Tier 1 & 2 Support Teams for helping resolve it quickly! Please remove, refresh, and reload to receive this update.

