The Market Performance by Yearly Seasons tool allows traders to analyze the average returns of the four seasons of the year and the raw returns of each separate season.
By default, the tool displays the average returns for each season over the last 10 years in the form of bars, with the current session highlighted as a bordered bar.
Traders can choose to display the raw returns by year for each season separately and select the maximum number of seasons (years) to display.
🔹 Hemispheres
Traders can select the hemisphere in which they prefer to view the data.
🔹 Season Types
Traders can select the type of seasons between meteorological (by default) and astronomical.
The meteorological seasons are as follows:
Autumn: months from September to November
Winter: months from December to February
Spring: months from March to May
Summer: months from June to August
The astronomical seasons are as follows:
Autumn: from the equinox on September 22
Winter: from the solstice on December 21
Spring: from the equinox on March 20
Summer: from the solstice on June 21
🔹 Displaying the data
Traders can choose between two display modes, average returns by season or raw returns by season and year.
Max seasons: Maximum number of seasons
Hemisphere: Select NORTHERN or SOUTHERN hemisphere
Season Type: Select the type of season - ASTRONOMICAL or METEOROLOGICAL
Display: Select display mode, all four seasons, or any one of them
🔹 Style
Bar Size & Autofit: Select the size of the bars and enable/disable the autofit feature
Labels Size: Select the label size
Colors & Gradient: Select the default color for bullish and bearish returns and enable/disable the gradient feature