
Super Momentum Oscillator

A new momentum oscillator. I uploaded this previously but it got deleted I believe because apparently my chart was too cluttered.
Hopefully this is good enough... made some updates as well since then.

What you have is six (!) momentum oscillators that can be weighed together however you please. They are centered on 0 with a fill so its also easy to overlay them (as shown).
Since momentum oscillators vary heavily chart to chart, in terms of resolution, I added that as an option so you can keep the hlines as they are.

Can be useful for spotting higher time frame moves on lower time frames without any of the repaint or needing 6 chart screens. Also a solid improvement over the indicators where people just throw a dozen different length plots together and you have no idea where to look in the end. IMO, at least.

Mix and match high and low lengths however you please.

Also it looks wicked with rasta colors. SMOke (super momentum oscillator kills everything)... your way into financial freedom, mon!

take the brown acid

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