Library "condition" True/False Condition tools and toggles for booleans and utility. suggested use is checking if a calculation is required, or can be skipped speeding up script calculations in realtime and historical scenarios.
isonlywihtout(_first_cond, _second_cond) output is true only if first true and second false Parameters: _first_cond: (bool) First Condition _second_cond: (bool) Second Condition Returns: True if coditions met
isonlywih(_first_cond, _second_cond) output is true only for the first condition if the second condition is also true Parameters: _first_cond: (bool) First Condition _second_cond: (bool) Second Condition Returns: True if coditions met
isactive(_cond) output is true active only while actively true Parameters: _cond: (bool) Condition met Returns: True if coditions met
isnotactive(_cond) output is true only while condition is not active Parameters: _cond: (bool) Condition met Returns: True if coditions met
isontoggle(_cond) output is true and holds on True activation , na input has no effect, only a false will disengage Parameters: _cond: (bool) Condition met Returns: True if coditions met
isofftoggle(_cond) output is true and holds on False activation, na input has no effect, only a true will disengage Parameters: _cond: (bool) Condition met Returns: True if coditions met
isnotboth(_first_cond, _second_cond) output is false only if both are active, either or neither pass true Parameters: _first_cond: (bool) First Condition _second_cond: (bool) Second Condition Returns: True if coditions met
isneither(_first_cond, _second_cond) output is false only if both are active, either or neither pass true Parameters: _first_cond: (bool) First Condition _second_cond: (bool) Second Condition Returns: True if coditions met
isbothtoggled(_first_cond, _second_cond) output is true and held when both trigger true, and only disengages if both are false at once Parameters: _first_cond: (bool) First Condition _second_cond: (bool) Second Condition Returns: True if coditions met
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