
Position Size Calculator

64 218
This is a script to make calculating position size easier. It calculates position size as a percentage of account balance and Risk/Reward based on input values of entry, exit, stoploss and shows the R/R box similar to tradingview's R/R tool. There is an option to toggle showing label and choosing of label text color.

Have to enter the following inputs in order for it to work properly
1. Account Balance : Account balance in either whatever is base currency of account
2. Risk % : Percentage of account balance to lose if stop is hit.
3. Entry
4. Stoploss
5. Target Price

- Target Price is required for calculating R/R but is not necessary to calculate position size.
- Formula to calculate position size is : Balance * Risk % / SL %
- Formula to calculate R/R is : TP % / SL %
- SL % = ( Entry - SL ) / Entry * 100
- TP % = (TP - Entry ) / Entry * 100

Thanks to u/Chonky_ for help with feedback.
-Added a option to display Distance to stop/target & distance to stop/target in percent like the r/r tool.
-Also displays the R/R in middle similar to RR tool.
-There is a feature slightly hidden in this such that you can hover over the R/R Label and it will show the account balance, risk percentage & position size in a tooltip label. This is made possible by a new label type called tooltip that I didnt know existed till today. It's useful if in any case a user doesnt want to display account balance or position size on shared charts then can just disable the label on right side and only view it for himself via tooltip label.

also a shoutout to u/CUBYC who recommended above improvements.

