Library "PerformanceTable" TODO: add library description here This library was created as a library because adding a performance table to an existing strategy script made the strategy script lengthy and inconvenient to manage.
The monthly table script referenced QuantNomad's code. The performance table script referenced myncrypto's code.
To use, copy and paste the code below at the bottom of the strategy script you are using, and the table for strategy performance will be displayed on a chart.
//------------Copy & Paste --------------------------------------// import Cube_Lee/PerformanceTable/1 as PT PT = input.bool(true, "Show Performance Table", tooltip = "전략의 성과를 우측상단에 테이블로 표시합니다.", group = "Performance Table") MT = input.bool(true, "Show Monthly Table", tooltip = "전략의 월별 수익률을 우측하단에 테이블로 표시합니다.", group = "Performance Table") if PT PT.PerformanceTable() if MT PT.MonthlyTable() //------------Copy & Paste---------------------------------------//
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