//Pluto star appears on a chart when price goes in the in the extreme price range territory, i.e. beyond 2 standard deviation from the mean (or mid Bollinger Band).
//What makes a Pluto Star appear on a chart:
//1. Check if the candle[1]'s' high and low, both are completely outside of the Bollinger Bands (close, 20, 2) - Lets call it Pluto Star Candle
//2. Pluto Star Candle must not be a result of sudden price movement. Hence the previous candle[2] must give a BB Blast.
// In other words, the candle[2] must have it's either open or close outside of Bollinger Bands, to confirm a BB Blast before the Pluto Star
//3. Candle, following the Pluto Star must not break the high (in case of upper BB i.e. short call) or low (in case of lower BB, i.e. long call), to confirm the reversal to the mean
// This implies that Pluto Star appears on chart, above/below the next candle of actual Pluto Star Candle

