ALT Season

1 702
ALT season shows a bullish crypto market when BTC is less profitable than Altcoins.
Therefore, traders can sell their BTC and buy Altcoins to gain more profit. Having an indicator that shows Alt season can be very useful.
To use this tool, you need two coins:
1- Main coin like BTC (you may use TOTAL or ETH, BCH)
2- Alt coin like TOTAL2 (you may use any coin rather than BTC and TOTAL)

Lets say we want to exchange Tron (TRX) with BTC or ETH.
Many Brokers (like Binance, CoinBase, ...) let us to trade TRX/BTC and TRX/ETH.
For example, if you have ETH and ETH market is sideways. Then you may sell ETH and buy TRX. To see wether this exchange is profitable, you can set main coin to ETH/USDT and alt coin to TRX/USDT.
The gray bars shows Alt season and buy opportunity in Alt coin markets.

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