distance_matrix(series1, series2, max_freq, norm) Generate distance matrix between two series. Parameters: series1 (float): Source series 1. series2 (float): Source series 2. max_freq (int): Maximum frequency to inpect or the size of the generated matrix. norm (string): Norm of the distance metric, default=`euclidean`, options=`euclidean`, `manhattan`, `max`. Returns: Matrix with distance values.
method normalize_distance(M) Normalizes a matrix within its Min-Max range. Namespace types: matrix<float> Parameters: M (matrix<float>): Source matrix. Returns: Normalized matrix.
method threshold(M, threshold) Updates the matrix with the condition `M(i,j) > threshold ? 1 : 0`. Namespace types: matrix<float> Parameters: M (matrix<float>): Source matrix. threshold (float) Returns: Cross matrix.
rolling_window(a, b, sample_size) An experimental alternative method to plot a recurrence_plot. Parameters: a (array<float>): Array with data. b (array<float>): Array with data. sample_size (int) Returns: Recurrence_plot matrix.
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