ItalicizeString() Italicize String in Discord Function
StrikeThroughString() Strikethrough a String in Discord Function
UnderlineString() Underline a String in Discord Function
SpoilerString() When you send the text, it will be shown as a black block, and only by clicking on it will you be able to see what is written below, in a way, unveiling the text or giving spoilers
HighlightString() Highlight String Function
BoxedString() Put String in a Box Function
NonEmbeddedURLString() Format URL String so that it is not an embedded Image but just the Link
InvisibleString() Send Inivisible Text
GetDiscordEmbedJSON() Generate discord embed JSON
GetDiscordTextJSON() Formats Content Only JSON Message
Truncate() Custom function to truncate (cut) excess decimal places
FormatDiscordMessage() format Content message
FormatCoin() Format Ticker Symbol
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