Mxwll Hedge Suite [Mxwll]

Hello Traders!

The Mxwll Hedge Suite determines the best asset to hedge against the asset on your chart!
By determining correlation between the asset on your chart and a group of internally listed assets, the Mxwll Hedge Suite determines which asset from the list exhibits the highest negative correlation, and then determines exactly how many coins/shares/contracts of the asset must be bought to achieve a perfect 1:1 hedge!


The image above exemplifies the process!

The purple box on the chart shows the eligible price action used to determine correlation between the asset on my chart (BTCUSDT.P) and the list of cryptocurrencies that can be used as a hedge!

From this price action, the coin determined to have to greatest negative correlation to BTCUSDT.P is FTMUSD.


The image above further outlines the hedge table located in the bottom-right corner of your chart!

The hedge table shows exactly how many coins you’d need to purchase for the hedge asset at various leverages to achieve a perfect 1:1 hedge!

Hedge Suite works on any asset on any timeframe!

And that’s all! A short and sweet script that is hopefully helpful to traders looking to hedge their positions with a negatively correlated asset!

Thank you, Traders!

