
KK_Price Action Channel (TDI BH)

Hey guys,

this little script is an addition to another one I will release right after this.

This is the Price Action Channel. The bands are calculated using a smoothed moving average of the highs/lows. I have taken the smoothed moving average script from the public library in order to create this, so all props to whoever created that one.

I am fairly new to creating scripts so use it with caution and let me know what you think!

EDIT: Here is the script I have written this one for:

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//author: Kurbelklaus
//Code for the smoothed moving average taken from the public library
study(title = "KK_Price Action Channel", shorttitle="PAC", overlay=true)
srcH = high
srcL = low
lenH = input(5, minval=1, title="Length High")
lenL = input(5, minval=1, title="Length Low")
smmaH = na(smmaH[1]) ? sma(srcH, lenH) : (smmaH[1] * (lenH - 1) + srcH) / lenH
smmaL = na(smmaL[1]) ? sma(srcL, lenL) : (smmaL[1] * (lenL - 1) + srcL) / lenL
plot(smmaH, color=blue)
plot(smmaL, color=blue)