Library "MarcosLibrary" A colection of frequently used functions in my scripts.
bullFibRet(priceLow, priceHigh, fibLevel) Calculates a bullish fibonacci retracement value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given retracement level.
bearFibRet(priceLow, priceHigh, fibLevel) Calculates a bearish fibonacci retracement value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given retracement level.
bullFibExt(priceLow, priceHigh, thirdPivot, fibLevel) Calculates a bullish fibonacci extension value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. thirdPivot (float): (float) The third price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given extension level.
bearFibExt(priceLow, priceHigh, thirdPivot, fibLevel) Calculates a bearish fibonacci extension value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. thirdPivot (float): (float) The third price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given extension level.
isBullish(barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is bullish. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar is bullish, otherwise returns false.
isBearish(barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is bearish. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar is bearish, otherwise returns false.
isBE(barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is break even. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar is break even, otherwise returns false.
getBodySize(barsBack, inPriceChg) Calculates a specific candle's body size. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). inPriceChg (bool): (bool) True to return the body size as a price change value. The default is false (in points). Returns: The candle's body size in points.
getTopWickSize(barsBack, inPriceChg) Calculates a specific candle's top wick size. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). inPriceChg (bool): (bool) True to return the wick size as a price change value. The default is false (in points). Returns: The candle's top wick size in points.
getBottomWickSize(barsBack, inPriceChg) Calculates a specific candle's bottom wick size. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). inPriceChg (bool): (bool) True to return the wick size as a price change value. The default is false (in points). Returns: The candle's bottom wick size in points.
getBodyPercent(barsBack) Calculates a specific candle's body size as a percentage of its entire size including its wicks. Parameters: barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: The candle's body size percentage.
isHammer(fib, bullish, barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is a hammer candle based on a given fibonacci level. Parameters: fib (float): (float) The fibonacci level to base candle's body on. The default is 0.382. bullish (bool): (bool) True if the candle must to be green. The default is false. barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar matches the requirements of a hammer candle, otherwise returns false.
isShootingStar(fib, bearish, barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is a shooting star candle based on a given fibonacci level. Parameters: fib (float): (float) The fibonacci level to base candle's body on. The default is 0.382. bearish (bool): (bool) True if the candle must to be red. The default is false. barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar matches the requirements of a shooting star candle, otherwise returns false.
isDoji(wickSize, bodySize, barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is a doji candle based on a given wick and body size. Parameters: wickSize (float): (float) The maximum top wick size compared to the bottom and vice versa. The default is 1.5. bodySize (float): (bool) The maximum body size as a percentage compared to the entire candle size. The default is 5. barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar matches the requirements of a doji candle.
isBullishEC(gapTolerance, rejectionWickSize, engulfWick, barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is a bullish engulfing candle. Parameters: gapTolerance (int) rejectionWickSize (int): (int) The maximum top wick size compared to the body as a percentage. The default is 10. engulfWick (bool): (bool) True if the engulfed candle's wick requires to be engulfed as well. The default is false. barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar matches the requirements of a bullish engulfing candle.
isBearishEC(gapTolerance, rejectionWickSize, engulfWick, barsBack) Checks if a specific bar is a bearish engulfing candle. Parameters: gapTolerance (int) rejectionWickSize (int): (int) The maximum bottom wick size compared to the body as a percentage. The default is 10. engulfWick (bool): (bool) True if the engulfed candle's wick requires to be engulfed as well. The default is false. barsBack (int): (int) The number of bars to look back. The default is 0 (current bar). Returns: True if the bar matches the requirements of a bearish engulfing candle.
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