method emaArray(id, length) Calculate Exponential Moving Average (EMA) for Arrays Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array length (int): (int) Length of the EMA Returns: (array<float>) Array of EMA values
method ema(id, length) Get the last value of the EMA array Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array length (int): (int) Length of the EMA Returns: (float) Last EMA value or na if empty
method rmaArray(id, length) Calculate Rolling Moving Average (RMA) for Arrays Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array length (int): (int) Length of the RMA Returns: (array<float>) Array of RMA values
method rma(id, length) Get the last value of the RMA array Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array length (int): (int) Length of the RMA Returns: (float) Last RMA value or na if empty
method smaArray(id, windowSize) Calculate Simple Moving Average (SMA) for Arrays Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array windowSize (int): (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size Returns: (array<float>) Array of SMA values
method sma(id, windowSize) Get the last value of the SMA array Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array windowSize (int): (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size Returns: (float) Last SMA value or na if empty
method wmaArray(id, windowSize) Calculate Weighted Moving Average (WMA) for Arrays Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array windowSize (int): (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size Returns: (array<float>) Array of WMA values
method wma(id, windowSize) Get the last value of the WMA array Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array windowSize (int): (int) Window size for calculation, defaults to array size Returns: (float) Last WMA value or na if empty
Added: method hmaArray(id, length) Calculate Hull Moving Average (HMA) for Arrays Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array length (int): (int) Length of the HMA Returns: (array<float>) Array of HMA values
method hma(id, length) Get the last value of the HMA array Namespace types: array<float> Parameters: id (array<float>): (array<float>) Input array length (int): (int) Length of the HMA Returns: (float) Last HMA value or na if empty
Lots of performance updates. Please note hma is still quite slow, I'm still investigating ways to improve it.
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