
NEO 5 min bot

7 757
This bot design for Neo for 5 min chart
its a combination of low scanner (free script on my page) and linear regression and also pivots system
the buy system controlled by HTF , and also by the buy loss (short or long)
so lets say the bot go short but the trend is reversing upward, then by % that you choose you make it a buy so you do not miss the trade the same when your long is loosing then you buy it again at lower level by % you choose and by that you increase your chance for a better position of buy without pyramide
the sell system determine by Len and deviation and high time frame that control the pivot system
for any other assets it need to be optimise
I try to build a system that specific to each coin , so each bot design for a specif task or specific asset
so this bot work very weel on neo 5 min, it may not work well on others so be aware of it
use your money wisely when you buy or sell :)
some fix

