Intermarket Correlation TableThe Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the correlation between two sets of data. In the trading world, the Correlation Coefficient is a measure of the correlation between two data sets of financial instruments. The correlation between two financial instruments is the degree in which they are related. Correlation is based on a scale of 1 to -1. The closer the Correlation Coefficient is to 1, the higher their positive correlation. The instruments will move up and down together. The closer the Correlation coefficient is to -1, the more they move in opposite directions. A value at 0 indicates that there is no correlation.
This indicator uses the built in ta.correlation function to calculate the correlation coefficient between DXY and NQ, ES, YM, US10Y, and ZN respectively. It then presents the data in a customizable table that is view as an overlay on your chart.
Adjust the length of the correlation factor to calculate higher time frame correlation.
Asset background changes based on current candle direction.
Coefficient background color changes based on whether the assets are properly correlated.
DXY is inversely correlated to NQ, ES, YM, and ZN.
DXY is directly correlated to US10Y.
The colors are reflected as such.
Strength Comparison @joshuuuexample:
if you want to find the stronger/weaker pair between eurusd and gbpusd, what you can do is check the eurgbp charts. if eurgbp is bullish, that means, that longs longs on eurusd are better than on gbpusd.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing to compare for example usoil with ukoil, or us100 with us500.
That's where this indicator comes in handy. You can choose whatever two symbols you want, that are supported by tradingview and you will get a chart, which shows symbol1/symbol2.
Now you can use normal market structure, or the ema option, to find out the stronger symbol.
This can also help predicting the so called SMT Divergences, taught by ICT.
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This financial tool is for educational purposes only and not financial advice. Users assume responsibility for decisions made based on the tool's information. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. By using this tool, users agree to these terms.