rsisma imkind dailyrsi 14
sma 8
time fram : weekly and daily
rsi 14
sma 8
time fram : weekly and daily
rsi 14
sma 8
time fram : weekly and daily
rsi 14
sma 8
time fram : weekly and daily
RSI_OTT - TP/SLWhile creating this strategy, I was inspired by "ott(by Anıl Özekşi)" and "RSI + Bollinger Double Strategy(by ChartArt)".
Basically, the strategy uses ott bands instead of bollinger bands in the "RSI+Bollinger Double Strategy".
User can select take profit, stop loss, position direction(long, short or both) and the other ott parameters via interface.
RSI_Boll-TP/SLThis strategy is originally "Bollinger + RSI , Double Strategy (by ChartArt)"
I added just TP/SL exit point, position direction selection(long, short or both) and time window into that strategy.
Chanu Delta RSIThis Chanu Delta RSI indicates the strength of the Bitcoin market. The problem with the previous Chanu Delta Indicator was that it was simply based on the price difference between the two Bitcoin markets, so there was no universality. However, this new Chanu Delta RSI solves the problem by introducing an RSI that compares the price difference trend.
This indicator is selectable from both reference and large amplitude BTCUSD markets. I recommend using BYBIT:BTCUSDT for the reference market and COINBASE:BTCUSD for the large amplitude market.
이 지표는 비트코인 시장의 단기적인 추세를 판단하는데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 기존 Chanu Delta 지표의 문제점은 단순히 두 비트코인 시장의 가격차를 기준으로 하여 보편성이 없었다는 점이다. 하지만 이번 새로운 Chanu Delta RSI는 가격차이 추세를 비교하는 RSI를 도입해 문제를 해결했습니다.
이 지표는 레퍼런스 및 큰 진폭 BTCUSD 시장에서 모두 선택할 수 있습니다. 레퍼런스 시장에는 BYBIT:BTCUSDT를 사용하고 큰 진폭 시장에는 COINBASE:BTCUSD를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
Chanu Delta RSI StrategyThis strategy is built on the Chanu Delta RSI , which indicates the strength of the Bitcoin market. The problem with the previous Chanu Delta Strategy was that it was simply based on the price difference between the two Bitcoin markets, so there was no universality. However, this new Chanu Delta RSI strategy solves the problem by introducing an RSI that compares the price difference trend.
When the Chanu Delta RSI hits “Bull Level” and “Bear Level” and closes the candle, long and short signals are triggered respectively. The example shown on the screen is a default setting optimized for a 4-hour candlestick strategy based on the Bybit BTCUSDT futures market. You can use it by adjusting the setting value and modifying it to suit you.
This strategy is selectable from both reference and large amplitude BTCUSD markets in order to enable fine backtesting. I recommend using BYBIT:BTCUSDT for the reference market and COINBASE:BTCUSD for the large amplitude market.
(Note) Using the "Chanu Delta RSI" to know the current indicator value in real time, it is convenient to predict the signal of the strategy.
(Note) Because the Chanu Delta RSI represents the price difference based on the Bybit BTCUSDT futures market, backtesting is possible from March 2020.
이 전략은 비트코인 시장의 강점을 나타내는 Chanu Delta RSI를 기반으로 합니다. 기존 Chanu Delta 전략의 문제점은 단순히 두 비트코인 시장의 가격차를 기준으로 하여 보편성이 없었다는 점이다. 하지만 이번 새로운 Chanu Delta RSI 전략은 가격차이 추세를 비교하는 RSI를 도입해 문제를 해결했습니다.
Chanu Delta RSI가 "Bull Level"과 "Bear Level"에 도달하고 봉마감하면 롱, 숏 신호가 각각 트리거됩니다. 화면에 보이는 예시는 Bybit BTCUSDT 선물 시장을 기반으로 한 4시간 캔들스틱 전략에 최적화된 기본 설정입니다. 설정값을 조정하여 자신에게 맞게 수정하여 사용하시면 됩니다.
이 전략은 정밀한 백테스팅을 가능하게 하기 위해 참조 및 큰 진폭 BTCUSD 시장에서 모두 선택할 수 있습니다. 참조 시장에는 BYBIT:BTCUSDT를 사용하고 큰 진폭 시장에는 COINBASE:BTCUSD를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
(주) "Chanu Delta RSI"를 이용하여 현재 지표 값을 실시간으로 알 수 있어 전략의 시그널을 예측하는데 편리합니다.
(주) Chanu Delta RSI는 바이비트 BTCUSDT 선물시장을 기준으로 가격차이를 나타내므로 2020년 3월부터 백테스팅이 가능합니다.
Tripple Relative Strength IndexIn Binance, you could see Original chart next to Tradingview chart. If you're used to looking at the original chart and trading frequently with BInance apps, you'll be used to using 3 RSIs. This indicator will help you like that. I added only a little code to the basic RSI in technicals. I appreciate using this indicator.
KINSKI RSI/RSX DivergenceThe Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum indicator that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to analyse overbought or oversold conditions. RSI values range from 0 to 100.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is calculated using the following formula: RSI = 100 - 100 / (1 + RS) Where RS = average gain of upward phases during the specified time frame / average loss of downward phases during the specified time frame.
An asset price is considered overbought (due for a correction) if the RSI is above 70 and oversold (due for a recovery) if it is below 30. More extreme values (80/20) are also used to avoid false readings.
In a strong uptrend, the RSI often reaches 70 and above for long periods, and downtrends can remain at 30 or below for long periods.
Divergence detection in RSI is one of the important functions of this indicator. The reason is that an RSI divergence is a more reliable signal than the overbought and oversold indicators themselves. You will get overbought and oversold signals all the time. However, the divergence is a rare event.
In general, RSI divergence means that the RSI indicator is moving in the opposite direction compared to the price. So while the price is moving, the RSI is telling us in advance to expect a change in direction.
Positive RSI divergence
A positive RSI divergence is when the price trend has lower lows and lower highs, while the RSI indicator does the opposite - higher highs and higher lows. The price continues to fall while the RSI indicator begins to rise.
Negative RSI divergence
Negative RSI divergence is the opposite of positive divergence. It applies to uptrends where the price reaches higher highs and higher lows. However, the RSI shows lower highs and lower lows - the price goes up but the RSI goes down. The price closes with higher highs and higher lows, while the RSI indicator does the opposite - lower lows and lower highs, confirming a negative divergence. As a result, there is a sharp decline in the price.
RSX Indicator - Base script: SharkCIA by Jaggedsoft (Linked in the source code)
The RSX is the noise-free variant of the more popular RSI oscillator. Typically, any indicator can be smoothed by applying a moving average. However, a major disadvantage of such a method is that there is a time lag between the indicator and the price. RSX Indicator attempts to do this without signal delay.
What distinguishes this indicator from others of this type?
Display of RSI indicator together/alone with RSX and RSI smoothed
display of the RSI indicator (option: "RSI: On/Off")
display of the RSX indicator (option: "RSX: On/Off")
display of the RSI indicator as smoothed version (option: "RSI Smoothed: On/Off")
offers the possibility to choose between different view variants
many settings for additional information, layout and divergence identification
enables completely new comparison possibilities and insights with the additional RSI variants
RSI Failure Swings & AO DivergencesHello!
The script identifies RSI divergences, similar to other public scripts; however, RSI failure swings are also distinguished. When a failure swing is identified, the script calculates the highest RSI measurement (bottom failure swing) or the lowest RSI measurement (top failure swing) between the two RSI pivot points. A continually updating line is plotted at the "fail point" until it is penetrated for two sessions! In addition, the script displays the RSI fail point measurement. RSI bearish divergences are only distinguished when both RSI peaks form above 70. bullish divergences are only distinguished when both RSI troughs form below 30. Top failure swings require the initial RSI peak be above 70, the second RSI peak can form at any measurement. Bottom failure swings require the initial RSI trough be below 30, the second RSI trough can form at any measurement.
Included are Awesome Oscillator divergences. The indicator is a bit tricky; the oscillator does not incorporate an upper or lower extremity. Consequently, the script uses interpolated percentiles to characterize relatively high measurements and relatively low measurements. Bearish divergences that form within the 90th - 99th percentile are distinguished, and bullish divergences that form within the 1 - 10th percentile are distinguished. This can CERTAINLY be changed should you copy the source code and think of something better! For AO, white columns reflect a difference measurement >= 0; black bars reflect a difference measurement < 0
Long Term Heat/Volatility - Accumulation/Distribution v1This is a strategy specifically made for 1D BTC/USD with the aim of capturing cycle tops and bottoms. It's mainly based on two indicators: 21d average of ATR (volatility) and (BTC.price - 180d sma)/BTC.price (heat). The strategy only signals buys or sells after occurrences of high volatility, followed by extremely high or low heat values. It's optimized for utilizing accumulation and distribution at lower and higher prices respectively with respect to last 14 days. 2nd version will include dynamic dollar cost averaging during the accumulation and distribution periods.
sma RSI & sudden buy and sell Strategy v1This strategy uses mostly three things:-
1. average RSI (sma rsi over a period)
2. sudden buy and sudden sell (usually to infer the change in trend or direction)
3. various EMAs ( used as a filter)
I mostly build it to work on a 3min crypto chart but it should work on any timeframe or any symbol.
Settings - Length -RSI length (hardly needed to be changed but sometimes it doubles the net profit)(+/-2)
instant length - a sudden increase or decrease in the price calculated by the length of RSI (+/-10)
Bars - No of candles to verify before starting /closing the strategy (+/-20)
Lookbackno2 - another variable to verify ema opening/closing (hardly needed to change)
emas - values of different EMAs (you can change if you want but I don't recommend it though)
over40 and over60 - the value of overbuying and overselling(+/-10)
In future, I will probably add ADX or use machine learning to filter out results
It works well considering 0.05% commission per entry and exit (total of 1% per trade)
you can message me for any query or suggestions.
SET13_INDEXThe average RSI of top 13 marketcaptilization in SET50, as list by below.
1. PTT
2. AOT
7. SCC
8. SCB
10. BDMS
11. EA
12. OR
13. SCGP
Note that OR started trading on February 2021 so that the indicator will not appear before that period and
the top 13 marketcapiliation ranked on 22 February 2022 so pls becareful about look ahead bias.
Intraday JXMODI CrossCombination of two strategy.
MA Cross strategy + RSI strategy to decide whether the stock/crypto is currently overbought/oversold.
RSI alert when change from bull to bear, and vice verse.
Useful for quick entry and exit trade.
Whenever RSI Black color line Cross Red color MA line , Trend Changes.
For Bull side Trade on High of that candle & Stoploss Low of that candle in which Cross Occurs.(Green Shadow)
For Bear side Trade on Low of that candle & Stoploss High of that candle in which Cross occurs.(Red Shadow)
For more confirmation use SuperTrend etc indicators.
Close strength lineThe close strength line shows how much the strength in the current up/down trend actually present.
We calculate it by difference between High-Low and the way it moves with respect to Close moving averages.
You can change intervals from settings.
Use this in combination with any other moving average indicator e.g. EMA 13
when Close line is below other indicators/priceline, it is Uptrend and close line acts as support.
when Close line is above other indicators/priceline, it is Downtrend and close line acts as resistance.
You can also use Close line as potential Targets for Buy or Short trades depending on it's direction with respect to price line last Close.
BTC Cap Dominance RSIBTC Cap Dominance RSI indicator is a combination of the RSI of Bitcoin Market Cap and the RSI of Bitcoin Dominance. The concept of this indicator is to get a good grasp of the bitcoin market flow by combining bitcoin dominance as well as bitcoin market cap.
BTC Cap Dominance (BCD) RSI is defined as:
BCD RSI = (BTC Cap RSI + BTC Dominance RSI) / 2
Case 1 (Bull market):
Both Cap RSI and Dominance RSI values are high
Case 2 (Neutral market):
Cap RSI is high but Dominance RSI is low
Cap RSI is low but Dominance RSI is high
Case 3 (Bear market):
Both Cap RSI and Dominance RSI values are low
(Note) Please note that the market capitalization symbols (CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL and CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL2) of TradingView started in January 2020, so you can check the indicator value from this point on.
BTC Cap Dominance RSI StrategyThis strategy is based on the BTC Cap Dominance RSI indicator, which is a combination of the RSI of Bitcoin Market Cap and the RSI of Bitcoin Dominance. The concept of this strategy is to get a good grasp of the bitcoin market flow by combining bitcoin dominance as well as bitcoin market cap.
BTC Cap Dominance (BCD) RSI is defined as:
BCD RSI = (BTC Cap RSI + BTC Dominance RSI) / 2
Case 1 (Bull market):
Both Cap RSI and Dominance RSI values are high
Case 2 (Neutral market):
Cap RSI is high but Dominance RSI is low
Cap RSI is low but Dominance RSI is high
Case 3 (Bear market):
Both Cap RSI and Dominance RSI values are low
When the BCD RSI value closes the candle above the Bull level, it triggers a long signal and when the value closes below the Bear level, it triggers a short signal.
(Note) Please note that TradingView's market cap symbols (CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL and CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL2) started in January 2020, so strategy backtesting is possible from this point on.
(Note) Since the real-time BCD RSI value does not come out with this strategy, it is recommended to use it together because the current value can be known and the long-short signal can be predicted in advance by using a separate BCD RSI Index together.
If "Use Combination of dominance RSI ?" is not checked in addition to the recommended default value of the strategy, the recommended values are Length (14), Bull level (74), Bear level (25).
이 전략은 비트코인 시가총액의 RSI와 비트코인 도미넌스 RSI를 조합하여 만든 BTC Cap Dominance RSI 지표를 기반으로 만들어졌습니다. 이 전략의 컨셉은 비트코인 시가총액뿐만 아니라 비트코인 도미넌스를 조합함으로써 비트코인 시장 흐름을 잘 파악할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.
BTC Cap Dominance (BCD) RSI는 다음과 같이 정의하였습니다.
BCD RSI = (BTC Cap RSI + BTC Dominance RSI) / 2
Case 1 (강세 장):
Cap RSI와 Dominance RSI 값 모두 높은 경우
Case 2 (횡보 장):
Cap RSI는 높지만 Dominance RSI는 낮은 경우
Cap RSI는 낮지만 Dominance RSI는 높은 경우
Case 3 (약세 장):
Cap RSI와 Dominance RSI 값 모두 낮은 경우
BCD RSI 값이 Bull level 위에서 캔들 마감할 경우 long 신호를 트리거하고 Bear level 아래에서 캔들 마감할 경우 short 신호를 트리거합니다.
(주의) 트레이딩뷰의 시가총액 심볼들 (CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL과 CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL2)이 2020년 1월부터 시작하였으므로 이 시점부터 전략 백테스팅이 가능한 점을 유의하십시오.
(주의) 이 전략은 실시간 BCD RSI 값이 나오지 않기 때문에 별도의 BCD RSI Index를 함께 사용하면 현재 값을 알 수 있어 롱숏 신호를 사전에 예측할 수 있으므로 함께 사용하기를 권장합니다.
전략의 추천 기본값 외에 "Use Combination of dominance RSI ?"를 체크하지 않는 경우 권장하는 값은 Length (14), Bull level (74), Bear level (25) 입니다.
Constance Brown RSI*Re-uploading without House Violations*
Welles Wilder created the RSI momentum oscillator in the 1970s. It is a momentum oscillator that ranges from 0 to 100. The traditional idea is to buy when the oscillator is below 30 and to sell when it is above 70. However, this strategy often only catches extreme moves and misses majority of the trend.
In comes Constance Brown RSI . She theorized that in an uptrend, the buy zone exists when RSI is between 40 and 50. The sell zone in an uptrend exists between 80 and 90. In a downtrend, the sell zone exists between 55 and 65. The buy zone in a downtrend exists between 20 and 30.
I have added a moving average feature to determine trend. When the short trend is above the long trend, it is considered an uptrend. It is in a downtrend otherwise. Using short length moving averages will often produce a lot of false signals. I recommend using the 50 and 100 as they will produce less noise.
There will be times when the oscillator breaks beyond the ranges described (for ex: seeing a reading below 40 in an uptrend). This tends to happen in periods of high volatility . Refer to the traditional RSI rules in such cases.
INVEST BTC RSI (from @tradinglord)RSI VERSION - no alerts
The script highlight point of interest for investors using EMA , RSI and a bit of criticism.
The script is built to be used on a weekly timeframe
When RSI is bellow 35 it can be interesting to invest in BTC , on the opposite when it is above 80 can be where to take a bit of profits.
Also using EMA to flow with the power of the trend or change your bias depending on conditions.
Feel free to use the included alerts to be informed when RSI is telling you something.
The idea is quite simple, and you will not gain x100 your investment, but with these kind of investments and some patience you could make your way out.
Obviously not financial advice, understand what you are doing.
"Sometimes it's better to be rational monkey than a greedy baboon" - Tradinglord 2022
INVEST BTC (from @tradinglord)The script highlight point of interest for investors using EMA, RSI and a bit of criticism.
The script is built to be used on a weekly timeframe
When RSI is bellow 35 it can be interesting to invest in BTC, on the opposite when it is above 80 can be where to take a bit of profits.
Also using EMA to flow with the power of the trend or change your bias depending on conditions.
Feel free to use the included alerts to be informed when RSI is telling you something.
The idea is quite simple, and you will not gain x100 your investment, but with these kind of investments and some patience you could make your way out.
Obviously not financial advice, understand what you are doing.
"Sometimes it's better to be rational monkey than a greedy baboon" - Tradinglord 2022
RSI Supply / Demand ZonesLines plotted for the Low and High of the region of price that was Overbought or Oversold
(Low of the candle that became overbought and highest high in the Overbought period)
(High of the candle that became oversold and highest high in the Oversold period)
I like to use the dotted lines as pivot points for the reversal of the trend, and also pay attention to small tops and bottoms (normal lines) that form in strong trends, as they usually make for brief periods of acummulation/distribution before the continuation of the strong trend.
Multiple Timeframe continuity with Crossover Alerts█ OVERVIEW
This Indicator calculates the EMA 9/20 and the RSI with its SMA on multiple timeframes and indicates their crossings. In addition this script alerts the user when crossings appear.
Use the checkboxes to activate different timeframes. With the dropdown menu you can select the timeframe in minutes.
Furthermroie use the checkboxes to activate different crossovers. At the end of the settings you can find the same options for the RSI.
You can also let the script indicate only the overlapping of both indicator crossovers by using the combination option.
EMA: The ema function returns the exponentially weighted moving average. In ema weighting factors decrease exponentially. It calculates by using a formula: EMA = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * EMA , where alpha = 2 / (length + 1).
SMA: The sma function returns the moving average, that is the sum of last y values of x, divided by y.
RSI: The RSI is classified as a momentum oscillator, measuring the velocity and magnitude of price movements. Momentum is the rate of the rise or fall in price. The RSI computes momentum as the ratio of higher closes to lower closes: stocks which have had more or stronger positive changes have a higher RSI than stocks which have had more or stronger negative changes.
RMA: Moving average used in RSI. It is the exponentially weighted moving average with alpha = 1 / length.
(Source: TradingView PineScript reference &
█ Credits
Thanks to @KhanPhelan with his EMA 9/20 trading idea
Credits to TradingView for their RSI function
█ Disclaimer
This is my first Script, any feedback is welcome.
CHOPORSI is a multiindicator.
This indicator help You to recognize potential in or out singal.
Base singals are from Choppines, RSI, AND DMI indicators.
It is a combination of 3 separate indicators like choppines RSI and DMI.
Then our new indicator see like bellow on next image.
Yellow line is sum of CHOP index and RSI , in this case we can say its a CHOPORSI Index.
Green line is DMI- line , this show us strength of sell position on the market.
We schould use other signals, like LSMA 50/100 to improve trend changing. Like on next picture.
Now how this indicator works?
Yellow line is the sum oF Chop and RSI value - 50.
Max and minimum value of CHOP and RSI are the same from 0 to 100.
We have sum of them.
Our minimum signal is 0+0-50=-50
maximum signal is 100+100-50= 150
Most times if both of tem are on top level ( then we have 150) the trend is chanhing from bullish to bearish.
The same way if the RSI ist on 0 and chop is over 50 ( then we have index 0 ) wee changing the tren from bearish to bullish.
Off course it not every time. We see other signals, to take our risk self not sugested by some art of indicators.
But if we are abowe topline, witch is set to 85 we can sey, we have have oversold signal.
Underline 30 isour potentialy buy signal.
Midrange 50 is mostly trand changin line.
This valu of top, mid bottom line you can change on the setting.
Every Coin have another level of this lines, and need to be checked individual to the coin.
Standard, settings are set fo timeframe : 12 min. 24 min, 1H and 4 H >
Blue crosses signalize possibilities trend changing.
This picture shou us how this indicator works.
Buy long signal : If yellow line is mostly at the bottom and green mostly on the top.
Sell long signal l. Yellow -top , green -bottom.
The Green line is from Directional Movement Index and is - DI line. Its show us selling trend. even higher position then mor sell of .
Standard value of CHOPPINES is 14 , works fin on 1H and abowe also wit the value of 28
Standard value for RSI AND -DI unchanging 14.
I tjink this is a simplu helpfull indycator.
Signal, schould be confirmed with other indicators like MA, EMA even better with LSMA .
Please try it an make only paper trading, to undertand how its realy works.
Thank You!