Jurik MA [lastguru]Finally, the full Jurik Moving Average (JMA) implementation based on the reverse-engineered algorithm by Igor: c.mql5.com
Every JMA implementation I've seen is based on the Igor's document. For some reason, many of the implementations, however, are not true to the source. As far as I know, this is the first correct JMA implementation on TradingView (please write a comment or send a message if I'm wrong). As the Igor's document itself is incomplete, however, there is some grey area still...
I should also thank the authors of the current JMA implementations for the inspiration:
You can see the comparison with @everget script on the chart above. The parameters are the same. My graph is in yellow.
This script is just an interface for my public libraries. Check them out for more information.
MTF Stochastic RSI w/ ZonesMTF Stochastic RSI w/ Zones by // © KaizenTraderB
I revamped my original Stochastic RSI Band indicator with more accurate algorithms, cleaner coding and more adjustable options.
I will be soon releasing a variation of this indicator that prints over price chart with key candle indicators
This indicator will display the Stochastic RSI in 3 Timeframes of your choice.
It will also display color zones. When the higher timeframe is bullish it will be green and when bullish, red.
When the middle timeframe is counter the higher, it will appear brownish.
The entry timeframe will print red and green lines at bullish and bearish Stochastic RSI crossovers when oversold and overbought, respectively,
In the direction of the higher timeframe directional bias when the middle timeframe is counter that direction to catch reversals in corrections.
The options allow you to turn the lines and zones on and off, as well as which Timeframes you choose to view.
Entry - 1Hr, 15m, 5m Middle Timeframe - 1Hr, 4Hr, Daily Higher Timeframe - 4Hr, Daily, Weekly or Monthly
You can also change the parameters of the Stochastic RSI for each of the three timeframes:
When 8 is chosen for RSI Length, Stochastic Length - 5, SmoothK - 3, Smooth D - 3 For 13 - 8, 5, 5 For 21 - 13, 8, 8 For 34 - 21, 13, 13
Its good practice to adjust settings so Higher Timeframe zones (green/red) correlate with longer trend movements,
Medium Timeframe with corrections and reversal areas (brown) and Entry Timeframe with key reversal candles.
Look at chart for last 200 bars or so and find the settings that correlate with recent past price action and adjust accordingly.
Its also good practice to have the chart timeframe correlate with entry timeframe of indicator.
You can also adjust overbought and oversold areas.
Coding included to prevent repainting
Message me with feedback to improve upon this indicator or requested additions.
Adaptive Moving Average (AMA)Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) Technical Indicator is used for constructing a moving average with low sensitivity to price series noises and is characterized by the minimal lag for trend detection. This indicator was developed and described by Perry Kaufman in his book "Smarter Trading".
One of disadvantages of different smoothing algorithms for price series is that accidental price leaps can result in the appearance of false trend signals. On the other hand, smoothing leads to the unavoidable lag of a signal about trend stop or change. This indicator was developed for eliminating these two disadvantages.
ProRSIProRSI is another in indicator to add to the Pro Indicator suite by DynaProTrading. This algo is made up of a few key components referenced below.
RSI: The primary function of the algo is to plot the candles of the ticker of choice on an oscillator pane to show how price compared to the various key levels. As you can see the red and blue arrows indicator oversold and overbought levels in conjunction with price.
Divergences: In addition to the RSI alerts, there is also a divergence functions where price could be making a higher high but the RSI indicator is making a lower high which is indicating a divergence in price. This is displayed by the lines in the lower window pane from one peak to another.
Trend Lines: Trend lines exist in all technical analysis but in this indicator, it shows the trend lines of the candles in the RSI pane which can help find support and resistance just like with normal price action.
Regression Model: The last key component of the indicator is a regression model which acts as a trend channel for more recent price action.
Bogdan Ciocoiu - CoordinatorDescription
The Coordinator is an indicator developed on the back of the RSI algorithm, modified substantially to form a cloud. In addition, the Coordinator uses EMA/SMA to compare the location of the RSI cloud with the chosen moving averages (EMA vs SMA).
This indicator is helpful as it confirms when a trader should enter a position or exit based on the proximity of the RSI cloud to the relevant MA.
The Coordinator provides unique benefits, including:
It shows the strength of the RSI in the shape of the RSI cloud, using two sets of dimensions (one more long term and one more short-term oriented).
It indicates the positioning of the RSI cloud in conjunction with the relevant moving averages to help traders remain in positions for longer.
It shows the RSI 14 (useful when spotting divergences aligned with the price action).
The Coordinator uses the following open-source scripts:
Relative Strength Index (OSC)Hello everyone, I'm sorry that the previous open-source version was hidden due to the house rules, I've re-edited the description and re-posted it
(1) Indicator introduction
This is RSI indicator with original divergence algorithm
This indicator is plotted on the RSI and can display the divergence locations and corresponding divergence intensity
The tolerance of N Klines at the top or bottom positions for price and indicator is supported, which is set by the "Tolerant Kline Number"
Support the display of divergence intensity, that is, the REG/HID value displayed on the label, which is less than 0. The smaller the intensity value, the more obvious divergence
Support the filtering of divergence intensity, which is set by "Cov Threshold". The divergence that REG/HID divergence intensity greater than this value will be ignored
In the label, REG indicates regular top/bottom divergence while HID indicates hidden top/bottom divergence
In the label, SRC(x-y) indicates a divergence occurred from the x-th kline to the y-th kline
In the label, OSC(x-y) indicates a divergence occurred from the indicator corresponding to the x-th kline to the y-th kline
(2) Parameter introduction
- RSI Settings
Source: The source to calculate RSI, close by default
RSI Length: The length of RSI, 14 by default
- RSI Divergence
Pivot Lookback Right: Number of K-line bars recalling the pivot top/bottom point to the right
Pivot Lookback Left: Number of K-line bars recalling the pivot top/bottom point to the left
Max of Lookback Range: Maximum number of retracing K-line bars to find the pivot top/bottom point
Min of Lookback Range: Minimum number of retracing K-line bars to find the pivot top/bottom point
Tolerant Kline Number: Maximum tolerance in indexing top/bottom points of Klines and indicators
Cov Threshold: Divergence intensity, which is less than 0. The smaller the intensity value, the more obvious divergence
Plot Bullish: Whether to draw regular bullish divergence label
Plot Hidden Bullish: Whether to draw hidden bullish divergence label
Plot Bearish: Whether to draw regular bearish divergence label
Plot Hidden Bearish: Whether to draw hidden bearish divergence label
Happy trading and enjoy your life!
(1) 指标说明
该指标绘制于 RSI 上,并在对应位置显示背离点以及背离程度
支持顶底位置 N 根K线的容差,由 Tolerant Kline Number 参数设置
支持背离强度的显示,即标签上显示的 REG/HID 值,该值小于 0,且越小说明背离程度越大
支持背离强度的过滤,由 Cov Threshold 参数设置, REG/HID 值大于这个值的背离会被忽略
标签中,REG 表示常规顶/低背离,而 HID 表示隐藏顶/底背离
标签中,SRC(x-y) 表示从当前第 x 根 bar 开始到第 y 跟 bar 出现背离
标签中,OSC(x-y) 表示从当前第 x 根 bar 所对应的指标开始到第 y 跟 bar 所对应的指标出现背离
(2) 参数说明
- RSI Settings
Source: 计算 RSI 指标的 source,默认为 close
RSI Length: 计算 RSI 指标的长度,默认为 14
- RSI Divergence
Pivot Lookback Right: 枢纽顶/底点往右回顾的 K线 bar 数量
Pivot Lookback Left: 枢纽顶/底点往左回顾的 K线 bar 数量
Max of Lookback Range: 回寻找枢纽顶/底点的最大回溯 K线 bar 数量
Min of Lookback Range: 回寻找枢纽顶/底点的最小回溯 K线 bar 数量
Tolerant Kline Number: K线和指标的顶/底点索引的最大误差
Cov Threshold: 背离程度,该值小于 0,且越小说明背离程度越大
Plot Bullish: 是否绘制常规底背离提示
Plot Hidden Bullish: 是否绘制隐藏底背离提示
Plot Bearish: 是否绘制常规顶背离提示
Plot Hidden Bearish: 是否绘制隐藏顶背离提示
Relative Strength Index (SRC)Hello everyone, I'm sorry that the previous open-source version was hidden due to the house rules, I've re-edited the description and re-posted it
(1) Indicator introduction
This is RSI indicator with original divergence algorithm
This indicator is plotted on the klines and can display the divergence locations and corresponding divergence intensity
The tolerance of N Klines at the top or bottom positions for price and indicator is supported, which is set by the "Tolerant Kline Number"
Support the display of divergence intensity, that is, the REG/HID value displayed on the label, which is less than 0. The smaller the intensity value, the more obvious divergence
Support the filtering of divergence intensity, which is set by "Cov Threshold". The divergence that REG/HID divergence intensity greater than this value will be ignored
In the label, REG indicates regular top/bottom divergence while HID indicates hidden top/bottom divergence
In the label, SRC(x-y) indicates a divergence occurred from the x-th kline to the y-th kline
In the label, OSC(x-y) indicates a divergence occurred from the indicator corresponding to the x-th kline to the y-th kline
(2) Parameter introduction
- RSI Settings
Source: The source to calculate RSI, close by default
RSI Length: The length of RSI, 14 by default
- RSI Divergence
Pivot Lookback Right: Number of K-line bars recalling the pivot top/bottom point to the right
Pivot Lookback Left: Number of K-line bars recalling the pivot top/bottom point to the left
Max of Lookback Range: Maximum number of retracing K-line bars to find the pivot top/bottom point
Min of Lookback Range: Minimum number of retracing K-line bars to find the pivot top/bottom point
Tolerant Kline Number: Maximum tolerance in indexing top/bottom points of Klines and indicators
Cov Threshold: Divergence intensity, which is less than 0. The smaller the intensity value, the more obvious divergence
Plot Bullish: Whether to draw regular bullish divergence label
Plot Hidden Bullish: Whether to draw hidden bullish divergence label
Plot Bearish: Whether to draw regular bearish divergence label
Plot Hidden Bearish: Whether to draw hidden bearish divergence label
Happy trading and enjoy your life!
(1) 指标说明
该指标绘制于 K线 上,并在对应位置显示背离点以及背离程度
支持顶底位置 N 根K线的容差,由 Tolerant Kline Number 参数设置
支持背离强度的显示,即标签上显示的 REG/HID 值,该值小于 0,且越小说明背离程度越大
支持背离强度的过滤,由 Cov Threshold 参数设置, REG/HID 值大于这个值的背离会被忽略
标签中,REG 表示常规顶/低背离,而 HID 表示隐藏顶/底背离
标签中,SRC(x-y) 表示从当前第 x 根 bar 开始到第 y 跟 bar 出现背离
标签中,OSC(x-y) 表示从当前第 x 根 bar 所对应的指标开始到第 y 跟 bar 所对应的指标出现背离
(2) 参数说明
- RSI Settings
Source: 计算 RSI 指标的 source,默认为 close
RSI Length: 计算 RSI 指标的长度,默认为 14
- RSI Divergence
Pivot Lookback Right: 枢纽顶/底点往右回顾的 K线 bar 数量
Pivot Lookback Left: 枢纽顶/底点往左回顾的 K线 bar 数量
Max of Lookback Range: 回寻找枢纽顶/底点的最大回溯 K线 bar 数量
Min of Lookback Range: 回寻找枢纽顶/底点的最小回溯 K线 bar 数量
Tolerant Kline Number: K线和指标的顶/底点索引的最大误差
Cov Threshold: 背离程度,该值小于 0,且越小说明背离程度越大
Plot Bullish: 是否绘制常规底背离提示
Plot Hidden Bullish: 是否绘制隐藏底背离提示
Plot Bearish: 是否绘制常规顶背离提示
Plot Hidden Bearish: 是否绘制隐藏顶背离提示
[blackcat] L2 Ehlers Super Smoother (3 poles)Level:2
The third-order super smoother low-pass butterworth filter (3 pole) is a classic J.F Ehlers indicator.
I have found many places where the algorithms are not uniform and some are even wrong. So, I did some research and wrote a low pass filter that I think is correctly defined. This indicator is often used as one of the basic elements of other trading systems.
When you are using it, you need to enter the Period setting period.
Free but Open Source
[blackcat] L2 Ehlers Super Smoother (2 poles)Level:2
The second-order super smoother low-pass butterworth filter (2 pole) is a classic J.F Ehlers indicator.
I have found many places where the algorithms are not uniform and some are even wrong. So, I did some research and wrote a low pass filter that I think is correctly defined. This indicator is often used as one of the basic elements of other trading systems.
When you are using it, you need to enter the Period setting period.
The key difference from other places is that, they use :
Filt2 := coef1*(Price+Price )/2 + coef2*nz(Filt2 ) + coef3*nz(Filt2 )
which introduces extra lag
My version keep the original meaning from Ehlers and use:
Filt2 := coef1*Price + coef2*nz(Filt2 ) + coef3*nz(Filt2 )
A little improvement on lag issue.
Free and Open Source
[blackcat] L2 Ehlers High Pass Filter (2 pole)Level:2
The second-order high-pass filter (2 pole) is a classic JF Ehlers specification.
I have found many places where the algorithms are not uniform and some are even wrong. So, I did some research and wrote a high pass filter that I think is correctly defined. This indicator is often used as one of the basic elements of other trading systems.
When you are using it, you need to enter the HPPeriod setting period.
Free but Open Source
[blackcat] L2 Ehlers High Pass Filter (1 pole)Level:2
The first-order high-pass filter is a classic JF Ehlers specification.
I have found many places where the algorithms are not uniform and some are even wrong. So, I did some research and wrote a high pass filter that I think is correctly defined. This indicator is often used as one of the basic elements of other trading systems.
When you are using it, you need to enter the HPPeriod setting period and specify its bandwidth parameter, the default value is 0.3
Free but Open Source
HODL LINE [AstrideUnicorn]This indicator determines periods of bull market when a buy-and-hold investor can hold the asset, and bear market periods when they should avoid holding it. Though it was designed primarily with cryptocurrencies in mind, it can be successfully used for any market.
Technically, the indicator is an asymmetric trend filter aimed to account for the fact that market sell-offs tend to be sharper than up-trends. The algorithm has two regimes – with and without price smoothing.
The step-like line is the main trend filter. It is colored green in an uptrend and red in a downtrend. When the smoothing is on, in addition to the trend filter, the indicator plots a purple line. It is a Hull Moving Average (HMA) of the price. In this case, the indicator uses this line instead of the price to find crossings with the trend filter.
When the price or the smoothed line crosses the trend filter above, it is an uptrend signal. The indicator marks such crossings with green circles. It also colors the chart background green in an uptrend. The price or the purple line crossing the trend filter below means a downtrend signal. Downtrend signals show as red circles. The chart background in a downtrend turns red.
Sensitivity – a dropdown list that allows the user to choose an averaging period of the indicator. Users can select a value for sensitivity from a predetermined set that better suits their investment horizon.
Use Smoothing – turns on and off smoothing of the price with HMA. With the smoothing turned on, the indicator responds slower to price changes, but at the same time produces less amount of false signals.
Williams Fractals with alerts ABCAll the original Williams Fractals algorithm but with a useful way to set up alerts.
divergenceLibrary "divergence"
divergence: divergence algorithm with top and bottom kline tolerance
regular_bull(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) regular_bull: regular bull divergence, lower low src but higher low osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
hidden_bull(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) hidden_bull: hidden bull divergence, higher low src but lower low osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
regular_bear(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) regular_bear: regular bear divergence, higher high src but lower high osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
hidden_bear(series, series, simple, simple, simple, simple, simple) hidden_bear: hidden bear divergence, lower high src but higher high osc
series : float src: the source series
series : float osc: the oscillator index
simple : int lbL: look back left
simple : int lbR: look back right
simple : int rangeL: min look back range
simple : int rangeU: max look back range
simple : int tolerance: the number of tolerant klines
Returns: array:
Tesla Coil MLThis is a re-implementation of @veryfid's wonderful Tesla Coil indicator to leverage basic Machine Learning Algorithms to help classify coil crossovers. The original Tesla Coil indicator requires extensive training and practice for the user to develop adequate intuition to interpret coil crossovers. The goal for this version is to help the user understand the underlying logic of the Tesla Coil indicator and provide a more intuitive way to interpret the indicator. The signals should be interpreted as suggestions rather than as a hard-coded set of rules.
NOTE: Please do NOT trade off the signals blindly. Always try to use your own intuition for understanding the coils and check for confluence with other indicators before initiating a trade.
Volume Variation Index IndicatorThis tool is a quantitative tip for analysts who study volumes or create volume based trading strategies.
Like all our projects, we start with a statistical logic to which we add coding logic.
This indicator can save a huge amount of time in calculating the variation of volume between sessions .
How it work
The indicator calculates the difference between the volume of the last closing bar and the volume of the previous closing bar. It shows the difference between the trading volumes.
The session in which the trading volume is up are represented in green.
Red session represent trading volume down.
We have added a third function.
Through the User Interface the trader can activate or deactivate the variation average.
The indicator is able to calculate the average of the volume changes by representing it with a blue line.
To activate the average, simply set it to ON in the User Interface.
By default, the indicator calculates the average of the last 10 periods, but you are free to set this parameter in the User Interface.
Data access
To access the data, simply move the cursor. When you move the cursor over the green bars, the increase data will be displayed in green. By hovering the cursor over the red bars you will see the decrease data in red. By hovering the cursor over the average will show you the average data in blue.
The data is displayed in the top left corner of the indicator dashboard.
If you found this indicator helpful, please like our script.
Volume Pace & Pressure TableHave you ever wanted to know if a particular tickers volume is above or below average while still in the trading day? This indicator displays an easy-to-read table that informs the user exactly what is occurring in intraday volume. And a whole lot more!
This indicator displays a variable table with either two or three columns and always three rows. It packs everything a user needs to know about volume in one small table. The table shows:
Current trading days volume
Average daily volume
Volume Pace
Volume Pressure (Buying & Selling)
Volume Pace
Volume Pace is a mathematical calculation invented by the author, Infinity_Trading . The problem was to figure out a way to know if the current days volume was below average or above average while still in the trading day. Calculations like Percent Daily Volume don’t work during the intraday trading hours. For example, say SPY has a 20-day volume average of 100 million shares. If in the first hour SPY has only traded 10 million shares then dividing the current volume into the average daily volume doesn’t tell the user anything when there is still 5.5 hours of trading left in the trading day. There had to be a better way! The solution was to chop up the trading day into evenly divisible time periods (i.e. <= 30 minutes). The Volume Pace algorithm takes the average daily volume and chops it up into small time periods based upon the charts current timeframe. This is the average volume per smaller time period. Then use the current days volume and the number of time periods that have occurred in the trading day so far (at the current moment in time i.e. the current candlestick) to form a calculation that returns the volume above or below the average volume up to that point in time.
Volume Pace Equations
Intraday Vol. Pace = Today’s Current Vol. - ( ( Average Daily Vol. / Time periods in trading day ) * Time periods that have occurred so far in trading day )
Postday Vol. Pace = Today’s Trading Vol. - Average Daily Vol.
^ Vol. = Volume (because TradingViews pine tags are dumb)
Volume Pace Definitions
Volume Pace is the difference in cumulative volume between todays current volume and the average daily volume up to same time of the day
Volume Pace Usage
If the Volume Pace is a positive number then it means that up to the current trading time the volume is that amount greater than the average daily volume over that same intraday time span.
If the Volume Pace is a negative number then it means that up to the current trading time the volume is that amount smaller than the average daily volume over that same intraday time span.
If the Volume Pace is positive during the intraday then the volume is on track to be an above average volume trading day.
If the Volume Pace is negative during the intraday then the volume is on track to be a below average volume trading day.
The Percent Volume Pace is the percent increase or decrease of the current volume compared to the average volume up to the same time of day. Or the Percent Volume Pace is the Volume Pace expressed as a percentage.
After the trading day is complete the Volume Pace will be the difference between the Daily Volume and the Average Daily Volume. And the same thing applies to the Percent Volume Pace.
Volume Pressure
The author, Infinity_Trading, did not invent the calculations for Volume Pressure but the definitions and explanations of Volume Pressure are their own creations. In specific terms, Volume Pressure is a mathematical calculation that uses the direction and distances of individual candlesticks bodies and wicks to assign a numerical value to volume.
buyingPressure = vol * (close - low) / (high - low)
sellingPressure = vol * (high - close) / (high - low)
^ vol = Volume (because TradingViews pine tags are dumb)
The author wants to make clear that volume “pressure” isn’t a real thing. Trades in any market require a buyer and a seller. So there is always an equal number of buyers and sellers. Thus, the idea that there are more buyers or more sellers isn’t rooted in reality. BUT the author believes that the calculation and understanding of “volume pressure” takes a very complex subject (price moment in a market) and condenses into something that intuitively makes sense to humans (pressure) and places it onto something that is already on everyone’s charts (volume bars).
The calculation for Buying Pressure is really calculating the upward distance between the low and the close of the candle. While Selling Pressure is measuring the downward distance from the high to the close. And both are using volume bars to express these measurements. So if an individual candle goes down then the red Selling Pressure will be more on the stacked bar chart than the green Buying Pressure. And vice versa for candles that went up. If a Volume Pressure bar is completely one color then it means, for a downward candle, the low and close were equivalent, and for an upward candle, the high and the close were the same. Lastly, the Buying & Selling Pressure will always add up to 100%.
Inputs and Style
In the Input section the user can set the number of days to use for all of the average calculations. All aspects of the table can be controlled. The background color, text color, border widths, and border colors. Also, the table can be moved to 9 unique locations around the chart for complete user control. Also, the user can use their cursor to hover over each cell in the table to reveal a tooltip definition of the calculation in the cell.
Special Notes
The volume table won’t display when the chart timeframe is weekly or monthly because the logic uses “daily” volume.
The Volume Pace column in the table disappears when the timeframe is greater than 30 minutes. Because for Volume Pace to work the time periods must be equally divisible into 6.5 hours (the duration of trading day).
MACD-X Overlay, More Than MACD by DGTMoving Average Convergence Divergence – MACD
The most popular indicator used in technical analysis , the moving average convergence divergence ( MACD ), created by Gerald Appel. MACD is a trend-following momentum indicator , designed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a financial instrument’s price
Historical evolution of MACD ,
- Gerald Appel created the MACD line,
- Thomas Aspray added the histogram feature to MACD
- Giorgos E. Siligardos created a leader of MACD
MACD employs two Moving Averages of varying lengths (which are lagging indicators) to identify trend direction and duration. Then, MACD takes the difference in values between those two Moving Averages (MACD Line) and an EMA of those Moving Averages (Signal Line) and plots that difference between the two lines as a histogram which oscillates above and below a center Zero Line. The histogram is used as a good indication of a security's momentum.
The MACD indicator is typically good for identifying three types of basic signals;
Signal Line Crossovers
A Signal Line Crossover is the most common signal produced by the MACD . On the occasions where the MACD Line crosses above or below the Signal Line, that can signify a potentially strong move. The standard interpretation of such an event is a recommendation to buy if the MACD line crosses up through the Signal Line (a "bullish" crossover), or to sell if it crosses down through the Signal Line (a "bearish" crossover). These events are taken as indications that the trend in the financial instrument is about to accelerate in the direction of the crossover.
Zero Line Crossovers
Zero Line Crossovers occur when the MACD Line crossed the Zero Line and either becomes positive (above 0) or negative (below 0). A change from positive to negative MACD is interpreted as "bearish", and from negative to positive as "bullish". Zero crossovers provide evidence of a change in the direction of a trend but less confirmation of its momentum than a signal line crossover
Divergence is another signal created by the MACD . Simply, divergence occurs when the MACD and actual price are not in agreement. A "positive divergence" or "bullish divergence" occurs when the price makes a new low but the MACD does not confirm with a new low of its own. A "negative divergence" or "bearish divergence" occurs when the price makes a new high but the MACD does not confirm with a new high of its own. A divergence with respect to price may occur on the MACD line and/or the MACD Histogram
Moving Average Crossovers , another hidden signal that MACD Indicator identifies
Many traders will watch for a short-term moving average to cross above a longer-term moving average and use this to signal increasing upward momentum. This bullish crossover suggests that the price has recently been rising at a faster rate than it has in the past, so it is a common technical buy sign. Conversely, a short-term moving average crossing below a longer-term average is used to illustrate that the asset's price has been moving downward at a faster rate and that it may be a good time to sell.
Moving Average Crossovers in reality is Zero Line Crossovers, the value of the MACD indicator is equal to zero each time the two moving averages cross over each other. For easy interpretation by trades, Zero Line Crossovers are simply described as positive or negative MACD
False signals
Like any forecasting algorithm, the MACD can generate false signals. A false positive, for example, would be a bullish crossover followed by a sudden decline in a financial instrument. A false negative would be a situation where there is bearish crossover, yet the financial instrument accelerated suddenly upwards
What is “MACD-X” and Why it is “More Than MACD”
In its simples form, MACD-X implements variety of different calculation techniques applied to obtain MACD Line. Different calculation techniques lead to different values for MACD Line, as will further discuss below, and as a consequence the signal line and the histogram values will differentiate accordingly.
Main features of MACD-X ;
1- Plotting of the Oscillator presented on top of the price chart (main chart) and applicable on both log and linear scale. Maximum plotting length is limited to 250 bars
2- Introduces different proven techniques applied on MACD calculation, such as MACD-AS (Histogram), MACD-Leader and MACD-Source, besides the traditional MACD (MACD-TRADITIONAL)
• MACD-Traditional, by Gerald Appel
It is the MACD that we know, stated as traditional just to avoid confusion with other techniques used with this study
• MACD-Histogram, by Thomas Aspray
The MACD-Histogram measures the distance between MACD and its signal line (the 9-day EMA of MACD ). Aspray developed the MACD-Histogram to anticipate signal line crossovers in MACD . Because MACD uses moving averages and moving averages lag price, signal line crossovers can come late and affect the reward-to-risk ratio of a trade. Bullish or bearish divergences in the MACD-Histogram can alert chartists to an imminent signal line crossover in MACD
Aspray's contribution served as a way to anticipate (and therefore cut down on lag) possible MACD crossovers which are a fundamental part of the indicator.
• MACD-Leader, by Giorgos E. Siligardos, PhD
MACD Leader has the ability to lead MACD at critical situations. Almost all smoothing methods encounter in technical analysis are based on a relative-weighted sum of past prices, and the Leader is no exception. The concealed weights of MACD Leader are such that more relative weight is used in the more recent prices than the respective weights used by the components of MACD . In effect, the Leader expresses more changes in average price dynamics for the recent price movement than MACD , thus eventually leading MACD , especially when significant trend changes are about to take place.
• MACD-Source, a custom experimental interpretation of mine,
MACD Source, presents an application of MACD that evaluates Source/MA Ratio, relatively with less lag, as a basis for MACD Line, also can be expressed as source convergence/divergence to its moving average. Among the various techniques for removing the lag between price and moving average (MA) of the price, one in particular stands out: the addition to the moving average of a portion of the difference between the price and MA. MACD Source, is based on signal length mean of the difference between Source and average value of shot length and long length moving average of the source (Source/MA Ratio), where the source is actual value and hence no lag and relatively less lag with the average value of moving average of the source .
MACD Source provides relatively early crossovers comparing to MACD and better momentum direction indications, assuming the lengths are set to same values
3- Alerts presented for MACD and Signal Line Crosses both for Early Warning and Confirmed Crossovers
For more, You are kindly invited to have a look to other MACD or similar studies presented on separate pane
MACD-X, More Than MACD by DGT , P-MACD by DGT and Price Distance to its MA by DGT
Disclaimer : Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Volatility indicator based on ATR Hello,
I'm sharing to you a volatility indicator I've done in the last few weeks based on ATR. There is multiple functionalities on this indicator, the first one is an overlay displaying when an asset is in an "overvolatily zone"
(displayed with red cross) and when we are in an "undervolatily zone" (displayed with green cross). You can change the sensibility of the signals in the parameters if you wish to have more or less greedy signals
(it will only modify the overvolatility signals). By the way those signals are not working for week-ends because volatility works differently on week-ends and it's not a good idea to count week-ends in the calculations, so do not worry if you see no signals on weekends.
Second part of the indicator is something I called "Atr bands" it's an equivalent to the famous Bollinger-Bands but based on ATR. I haven't backtested them yet but they seems really interesting in low ut
(15 mins seems to be the best ut for those) and they seems pretty bad in high ut so they can maybe be useful for low ut scalping.
Last thing, there is a parameter allowing you to display bands on the week-ends so you can easily see where the indicator won't give signals.
I would be really happy if I could have some feedsback if you try the indicator :)
Have a wonderful day
[OCT] Moving Average Sigmoid VarianceUses a weighted sigmoid function to gauge the difference between two moving averages. Useful as an additional confirmation source for following trends.
The signal line hovers between -1 and 1, -1 being a negative delta and 1 being a positive delta.
Using a minimum and maximum threshold, a trend can be identified based on how far the signal line crosses the thresholds.
The signal is optionally (enabled by default) adjusted by a "momentum", which is calculated as a moving average of the *change* of a value over time. It's a bit finicky to describe, so please take a look at how it's calculated in code if you wish to use it.
The signal, by default, is green when the value is above the threshold, red when it's below the threshold, and yellow when inside the threshold.
This study is extremely untuned and should not be used as the sole inspiration for taking or exiting a position out of the box.
Please play around with the many available configuration options to fine tune the output to fit your personal strategy.
Configurable options:
- All colors
- All moving average algorithms
- All moving average sources
- All moving average lengths
- Threshold values
- Signal and momentum multipliers
- Whether or not to use the momentum
- Whether or not to plot the momentum
utilsLibrary "utils"
ma_smooth(alg, src, len) Calculates various moving averages
alg : Smoothing algorithm to use
src : Source data
len : Length of moving average
Levels Of Greed
The Levels Of Greed indicator is based on the same idea as the Levels Of Fear one and was suggested by several traders in the comment section. It helps analyze price advances to find the best levels for closing a long position in an asset after a quick surge or longer up-trend. In finance, volatility is a term that describes the degree of variation of an asset price over time. It is usually denoted by the letter σ (sigma) and estimated as the standard deviation of the asset price or price returns. The Levels Of Greed indicator helps measure the current price advance in the standard deviation units. It plots seven levels at distances of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 standard deviations (sigmas) above the base price (the recent lowest price or lower bound of the established range). In what follows, we will refer to these levels as levels of greed.
When the price in its surge reaches a certain level of greed, it means that it has surged from its recent lowest value by a corresponding number of standard deviations. The indicator helps traders see the maximum levels to which the price may rise and estimate the potential height of the current surge. Five-seven sigma surges are relatively rare events and correspond to significant market exuberance. Careful traders and shorter-term ones would not want to participate in the bandwagon effect and herd behavior that drive market bubbles. They prefer to take their profits when the market is not exceedingly overbought.
Window : the averaging window or period of the indicator. The algorithm uses this parameter to calculate the base level and standard deviations. Higher values are better for measuring deeper and longer surges.
Levels Stability : the parameter used in the up-move detection. The higher the value is, the more stable and long the greed levels are, but at the same time, the lag increases. The lower it is, the faster the indicator responds to the price changes, but the greed levels are recalculated more frequently and are less stable. This parameter is mostly for fine-tuning. It does not change the overall picture much.
Mode : the parameter that defines the style for the labels. In the Cool Guys Mode, the indicator displays the labels as emojis. In the Serious Guys Mode, labels show the distance from the base level measured in standard deviation units or sigmas.
dc_taAdaptive technical indicators are importants in a non stationary market, the ability to adapt to a situation can boost the efficiency of your strategy. A lot of methods have been proposed to make technical indicators "smarters", the dominant cycle tuned indicators are one of them which are based on J.F.Ehlers theory. Here is a collections of algorithms to calculate dominant cycles. ENJOY!
Library "dc_ta"